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HomeTECHNOLOGY2024 Technology Trends

2024 Technology Trends

We are in the age of technology and information.

Therefore, encountering new technological developments that transform our lives every year has become something we are used to.

2023 witnessed the beginning of groundbreaking developments in many other fields, especially artificial intelligence and quantum computing.

We started to feel the effects of these developments on our lives. So, what breakthroughs does 2024 bring? In this blog post, we take a look at some of the technology trends that are expected to dominate in 2024.

Generative AI

Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI), one of the latest technologies, has created a major transformation in various industries by enabling machines to create content that resembles human-produced works.

This technology can provide effective solutions in a wide range of applications, from text generation to image synthesis and even music composition.

The ever-expanding applications of generative AI promise a bright future for those who specialize in this field, offering opportunities to shape the way we interact and create content in the digital age.

extended reality

Extended reality includes the combined use of all technologies that simulate reality with Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Mixed Reality and similar applications.

It also stands out as an important rising technology trend in this period when we are eager to expand the borders of the world.

This technology, which creates a reality that has no tangible existence, is hugely popular among gamers, medical professionals, retail and modeling.

digital trust

As people became intertwined with devices and technologies, digital technologies were adopted in a very short time and a certain trust in them was formed.

Digital trust is another vital trend leading to greater innovation. Thanks to digital faith, people believe that technology can create a safe, secure and reliable digital world and help companies invent and innovate without worrying about maintaining public trust.

For this reason, it is expected that more serious work will be carried out in the coming period to create more robust practices and regulations on this issue.

New energy solutions

The world tends to switch to greener practices to protect nature and the energy we use. As a result, efforts continue to make greener options such as electric or battery-powered cars, solar and other renewable energy sources feasible and integrate them into our lives.

In this context; Improving the performance and reducing the costs of batteries has become a major focus for businesses and governments alike.

The aim is to support electric mobility and accelerate the energy transition to renewable energy and increasing the capacity of smart grids. While LFP (lithium ferro-phosphate) and NMC (nickel manganese cobalt) are becoming the standard for electric vehicle applications, various technologies are being investigated regarding the chemistry of batteries, such as cobalt-free (sodium ion) or solid-state batteries.

Significant developments are expected in this field in 2024. Additionally, new energy solutions represent a major shift in battery technology, primarily for electric vehicles, as they have higher energy densities (i.e.

storage capacity) at lower cost than traditional batteries.

In addition; It promises longer lifespan and more robust security while reducing reliance on materials such as certain lithium, nickel, cobalt, rare earth minerals and graphite.

edge computing

With the amount of data constantly increasing, many organizations have realized the limitations of cloud computing.

Edge computing is a system developed to overcome the delays caused by cloud computing and to process data in the area closest to the user or objects in need without transmitting it to a data center.

Edge computing is important because of its ability to reduce latency by providing faster response times to applications.

It meets the needs of time-sensitive operations by processing data closer to the source, which confirms that it can be an ideal solution for applications in areas such as automation and healthcare.

Additionally, edge computing offers a more powerful solution, especially in regions with limited connectivity, by increasing data security and privacy.

Internet of things (IoT)

Another promising new technology trend is the Internet of Things, or IoT. Many “things” are now manufactured with WiFi connectivity so they can connect to the internet and each other.

Therefore, IoT is the future and has already begun to enable devices, home appliances, cars and many other objects to connect to the internet and exchange data over the internet.

All of the things we have listed are just some of the technologies that are thought to be trending in the coming period.

These important technology trends are expected to shape the transformation that 2024 will bring and offer new opportunities to our lives.

As we rapidly approach the target dates for reducing and stopping the effects of the climate crisis, these trends have the potential to interactively reinforce each other and make our lives and business world more efficient, productive and sustainable.



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