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Frame Relay Networks Nedir?

You can find the features, advantages and disadvantages of Frame Relay Networks, a network technology that allows data to be transmitted at high speed, in our article.

Frame Relay Networks, Nedir?

Frame Relay, known as a corporate network service, is preferred by many users around the world.

The network protocol called Frame Relay is based on packet switching. Data is transmitted in the form of packages thanks to Frame Relay Networks, which provide faster, more efficient and more affordable connections compared to their counterparts.

Enterprise network service, also called Frame Switching, enables different channels to be available over a single transmission line.

Frame Relay Networks, where data can be transmitted via a single transmission line, increases the efficiency of the networks within it compared to before by transmitting large volumes of traffic.

Thanks to its special design and fast connection, it prevents the complexity that may occur on the network and there is no need to choose separate transmission lines for different channels.

Corporate network service, in other words Frame Relay, is widely used around the world because it is fast in terms of response time as well as being improved in terms of performance.

Frame Relay Networks, which provide both fast and efficient transmission of data, are based on the OSI model; In terms of layer, it works at the 2nd layer and easily transmits data in the form of frames, in other words, packages.

In addition to the fact that the data transferred is structured information, Frame Relay also offers a transport service that supports different protocols and applications that can meet various environments.

Frame switching also features improved audio transmission due to its multi-protocol structure.

What Do Frame Relay Networks Do and How Do They Work?

Frame Relay Networks, a network protocol that allows data to be transmitted in packets or frames, helps share resources that belong to more than one user and enable communication.

How about communicating with different points using a single line? With the network connection made thanks to Frame Relay, it is possible to communicate with different points using a single line.

If they prefer Frame Relay Networks, instead of using a special line with two ends; users are using broad network bandwidth.

On the Frame Relay, where virtual circuits are established with the help of the network, path creation is constantly carried out for each of the circuit paths throughout the data transmission. The steps that the network protocol follows during its operation are as follows:

  • In the first of the Frame Relay steps, the abbreviation DTE is translated into our language as Data Terminal Device. In the relevant step, framing and packaging of users’ data is done.
  • The next step in which the data packaged on Frame Relay DTE is transmitted is DCE. The abbreviation DCE is translated into our language as Data Communication Device; It is defined as the step where the incoming data is examined and checked whether the address is valid or not. After the address validity check, it runs the FCS function in the next step.
  • In the function, abbreviated as FCS, which is translated as Structure Control Sequence in our language, incoming packets can be accepted to the network; There is also the possibility that packetized data may not be accepted into the network. If accepted, the frames are transmitted to the destination, and if they fail, they are not accepted on the network.

Frame Relay Networks Features

The features of Frame Relay Networks, whose definition, function and operation we mentioned, are as follows:

  • It prevents the complexity that may occur on the network.
  • It helps automatically redirect to a different location in case of an error through network connections.
  • It is a reliable, efficient and fast corporate network service.
  • Frame Relay Networks, which is described as a corporate network service, does not price according to the distance of the relevant networks.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of frame-relay networks?

Frame-relay networks, which have higher speed and efficiency compared to their peers, are known for the advantages they provide to their users. Frame Relay advantages are listed as follows:

  • It has a special design that allows sharing in terms of bandwidth.
  • Frame Relay can be scaled both locally and nationwide.
  • While the latency of the data is low; The efficiency is high.
  • It is affordable as it reduces the costs of leased lines by a maximum of 50%.

Besides the advantages mentioned above, corporate network service also has disadvantages. Considering the different lengths of frame types, the network protocol allows frames of different lengths, causing variable delays for various users. This is also among its disadvantages. Due to variable delays, the relevant network protocol is not suitable for video and teleconferencing.



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