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The Evolving Landscape of Generative AI: A Study on Blending of Experts, Multimodality, and the Quest for Artificial Intelligence

The field of artificial intelligence (AI) has seen tremendous growth in 2023. Generative AI, which focuses on creating realistic content such as images, sound, video and text, has been at the forefront of these developments.

 Models like DALL-E 3, Stable Diffusion, and ChatGPT have introduced new creative capabilities but also raised concerns about ethics, biases, and abuse.

As generative AI continues to evolve at a rapid pace, aspirations for mixtures of experts (MoE), multimodal learning, and artificial general intelligence (AGI) are likely to shape the next frontiers of research and applications.

This article will provide a comprehensive survey of the current state and future trajectory of generative AI, analyzing how innovations such as Google’s Gemini and anticipated projects such as OpenAI’s Q* are transforming the landscape.

 It will examine real-world impacts in health, finance, education and other areas, while also revealing emerging challenges around research quality and the alignment of AI with human values.

ChatGPT’s launch in late 2022 has sparked renewed excitement and concern about AI in particular, from its impressive natural language prowess to its potential to spread misinformation.

Meanwhile, Google’s new Gemini model demonstrates significantly improved conversational ability over previous models like LaMDA, thanks to advances like spiking attention.

Rumored projects like OpenAI’s Q* hint at combining conversational AI with reinforcement learning.

These innovations signal a shifting priority towards multi-modal, versatile productive models.

Competition continues to intensify between companies such as Google, Meta, Anthropic and Cohere as they race to push the boundaries in responsible AI development.

Evolution of Artificial Intelligence Research

As capabilities increased, research trends and priorities also changed, often corresponding to technological milestones.

 The rise of deep learning has revived interest in neural networks. natural language processing has increased with ChatGPT level models.

 Meanwhile, amid rapid progress, attention to ethics remains a constant priority.

Preprint repositories such as arXiv have also seen a rapid increase in AI submissions, enabling faster dissemination but reducing peer review and increasing the risk of unchecked error or bias.

 The interplay between research and real-world impact remains complex and requires more coordinated efforts to drive progress.

MoE and Multimodal Systems – The New Wave of Generative AI

To enable more versatile, advanced AI in a variety of applications, two prominent approaches are blending of experts (MNE) and multimodal learning.

MoE architectures combine multiple specialized neural network “experts” optimized for different tasks or data types.

Google Gemini uses MoE to master both long conversations and concise question answering. MoE allows a wider range of inputs to be considered without increasing the model size.

Multimodal systems like Google’s Gemini are setting new benchmarks by processing a variety of modalities beyond just text.

 However, realizing the potential of multimodal AI requires overcoming key technical hurdles and ethical challenges.

Gemini: Redefining Criteria in Multi-modality

Gemini is a multi-modal, conversational AI designed to understand connections between text, images, audio, and video.

 The dual encoder structure, cross-modal attention, and multimodal decoding enable enhanced contextual understanding.

 Gemini is thought to surpass single encoder systems in relating textual concepts to visual fields.

Integrating structured knowledge and specialized training, Gemini surpasses its predecessors such as GPT-3 and GPT-4 in:

  • Breadth of methods covered, including audio and video
  • Performance on benchmarks such as massive multitasking language understanding
  • Generating code between programming languages
  • Scalability through special versions such as Gemini Ultra and Nano
  • Transparency through justification of outputs

Technical Obstacles in Multimodal Systems

Realizing robust multimodal AI requires resolving issues around data diversity, scalability, evaluation, and interpretability.

Unbalanced data sets and disclosure inconsistencies introduce bias. Processing multiple data streams strains computing resources and requires optimized model architectures.

Advances in attention mechanisms and algorithms to integrate conflicting multimodal inputs are needed.

Scalability issues remain due to extensive computational overhead. Refining evaluation metrics with comprehensive benchmarks is crucial. Increasing user trust through explainable AI is also vital.

Overcoming these technical hurdles will be key to unlocking the capabilities of multimodal AI.

Advanced learning techniques such as self-supervised learning, meta-learning, and fine-tuning are at the forefront of AI research and increase the autonomy, efficiency, and versatility of AI models.

Self-Supervised Learning: Autonomy in Model Training


Self-supervised learning emphasizes autonomous model training using unlabeled data, thus reducing manual labeling efforts and model biases.

It includes generative models such as autoencoders and GANs for data distribution learning and input reconstruction and uses comparative methods such as SimCLR and MoCo to distinguish between positive and negative sample pairs.

Self-prediction strategies inspired by NLP and developed by the latest Vision Transformers play a key role in self-supervised learning and demonstrate the potential of artificial intelligence in enhancing autonomous training capabilities.


Meta-learning, or ‘learning to learn’, focuses on equipping AI models with the ability to quickly adapt to new tasks using limited data samples.

This technique is critical in situations where data availability is limited and ensures that models can quickly adapt and perform on a variety of tasks.

He emphasizes the few-step generalization that enables AI to address a wide range of tasks with minimal data, underlining its importance in developing versatile and adaptable AI systems.

Fine-Tuning: Customizing AI to Specific Needs

Fine-tuning involves adapting pre-trained models to specific domains or user preferences.

Two key approaches to this include end-to-end fine-tuning, which adjusts all the weights of the encoder and classifier, and feature extraction fine-tuning, where the encoder weights are frozen for downstream classification. This technique enables effective adaptation of generative models to specific user needs or domain requirements, increasing their applicability in a variety of contexts.

Human Value Alignment: Aligning AI with Ethics

Human value alignment focuses on aligning AI models with human ethics and values, ensuring that their decisions reflect social norms and ethical standards.

This aspect is crucial to ensuring that AI systems make ethical and socially responsible decisions in scenarios where AI interacts closely with humans, such as healthcare and personal assistants.

AGI Development

AGI focuses on developing artificial intelligence capable of holistic understanding and complex reasoning that is compatible with human cognitive abilities.

This long-term ambition is constantly pushing the boundaries of AI research and development.

AGI Security and Containment addresses potential risks associated with advanced AI systems and highlights the need for stringent security protocols and ensuring ethical compliance with human values ​​and societal norms.

Innovative MoE

The Mix of Experts (MoE) model architecture represents a significant advance in transformer-based language models, offering unparalleled scalability and efficiency.

MoE models such as Switch Transformer and Mixtral are rapidly redefining model scale and performance across a variety of language tasks.

Core Concept

MoE models optimize computational resources and adapt to task complexity using a sparsity-oriented architecture that includes multiple expert networks and a trainable migration mechanism.

They exhibit significant advantages in pre-training speed, but face challenges in fine-tuning and require a significant amount of memory for inference.

MoE models are known for their superior pre-training speed, with innovations like DeepSpeed-MoE optimizing inference to achieve better latency and cost efficiency.

Recent advances have improved training and inference efficiency by effectively solving the all-in-one communication bottleneck.

Combining the Building Blocks of Artificial General Intelligence

Building Blocks

AGI represents the hypothetical probability of AI matching or exceeding human intelligence in any field. While modern AI has been successful at narrow tasks, AGI remains far off and controversial given its potential risks.

However, increasing advances in areas such as transfer of learning, multitasking training, conversational ability, and abstraction are taking a step closer to the lofty vision of AGI.

 OpenAI’s speculative Q* project aims to integrate reinforcement learning into Masters as a step forward.

Ethical Boundaries and Risks of Manipulating AI Models

Jailbreaks allow attackers to bypass ethical boundaries established during the AI ​​fine-tuning process.

 As a result, the production of harmful content such as misinformation, hate speech, phishing emails and malicious code poses risks to individuals, organizations and society in general.

 For example, a jailbroken model could produce content that promotes divisive narratives or supports cybercriminal activities. ( More information )

While no cyberattacks using jailbreak have been reported yet, multiple proof-of-concept jailbreaks are available for sale online and on the dark web.

 These tools provide prompts designed to manipulate AI models like ChatGPT, potentially allowing hackers to leak sensitive information through company chatbots.

The proliferation of these tools on platforms such as cybercrime forums highlights the urgency of addressing this threat.

Reducing Jailbreak Risks

A multifaceted approach is required to counter these threats:

  1. Robust Fine-Tuning : Incorporating a variety of data into the fine-tuning process increases the model’s resilience to hostile manipulation.
  2. Adversarial Training : Training with adversarial examples improves the model’s ability to recognize and resist manipulated input.
  3. Regular Evaluation : Continuous monitoring of outputs helps detect deviations from ethical rules.
  4. Human Oversight : Involving human reviewers adds an additional layer of security.

AI-Enabled Threats: Hallucination Exploitation

AI hallucination, where models produce outputs that are not based on training data, can be weaponized.

For example, attackers manipulated ChatGPT to suggest non-existent packages, leading to the spread of malware.

This highlights the need for constant vigilance against such exploits and robust countermeasures. ( Discover More )

While the ethics of pursuing AI remain fraught, its aspirational pursuit continues to influence productive AI research directions—whether current models resemble stepping stones or detours on the path to human-level AI.

Midjourney Plans to Introduce Text-to-Video Model

Midjourney, a name synonymous with innovative rendering that has undergone a significant evolution in the AI ​​content creation landscape, is now setting its sights on the video space.

This strategic shift marks a pivotal moment for the company known for its impressive AI-powered rendering tool running on its Discord server.

Midjourney’s expansion into video creation not only signals growth for the company, but also reflects a broader trend in the AI ​​industry toward more dynamic and complex forms of content creation.

As the boundaries of AI’s capabilities continue to expand, Midjourney’s move from still images to moving video represents a natural and ambitious progression.

This move is poised to stimulate the competitive dynamics of the prolific video industry by offering new possibilities and challenges in the creation of AI-generated content.

Midjourney’s venture into video production could herald a new era of creative possibilities that will reshape the way visual content is produced and consumed for both creators and consumers in the digital environment.

Training the Video Model: A Natural Progression

Video Model

Midjourney’s foray into the world of video creation begins with an ambitious plan to train its new video model, as CEO David Holz explains.

This training phase, which is planned to start in January, is the first step in the journey, which is expected to take several months towards the launch of the final product.

This timeline reflects both the complexity of developing a reliable and advanced video rendering model and Midjourney’s commitment to maintaining standards of quality and innovation.

This development builds on the already mature display model that Midjourney has perfected and leverages the knowledge and experience gained to venture into the more complex video arena.

As the company embarks on this new initiative, the AI ​​community and users are eagerly awaiting the improvements and capabilities that the new model will bring.

Midjourney’s approach, known for its emphasis on quality and user experience, suggests that its foray into video production will be both a thoughtful and effective contribution to the field of generative AI.

Navigating a Competitive Environment


Midjourney is entering the already vibrant and competitive prolific video industry as it prepares to introduce its text-to-video model.

This space is full of major players, each carving out their own niche with unique offerings, such as Stability AI’s Stable Video Diffusion, Meta’s EMU, and emerging technologies like Pika and Runway ML.

Therefore, Midjourney’s entry is not just an entry into new territory, but also a strategic move in an environment full of innovation and competition.

What sets Midjourney apart in this competitive arena is its well-established reputation for quality and user-centered design; these characteristics defined its success in image creation.

Midjourney’s focus on these aspects could offer a distinct advantage in the video creation market, where users are looking for not only technological prowess but also intuitive design and high-quality output.

By leveraging its established strengths and applying them to video production, Midjourney can differentiate itself from competitors who prioritize speed or raw talent by offering a unique blend of artistic quality and AI sophistication.

Wider Impact on Creative Industries


The introduction of Midjourney’s text-to-video model appears to have significant implications for the creative and media industries.

The ability to create high-quality video content through AI opens up a world of opportunities for creators, from filmmakers to advertisers to individual artists and content creators.

This technology can level the playing field in content creation by democratizing video production, allowing those without extensive resources or technical skills to produce professional-quality videos.

What’s more, the potential for AI-generated video to transform the media landscape extends beyond just content creation.

It can redefine storytelling by allowing creators to bring complex visions to life more easily and flexibly.

For industries that rely on visual narratives, such as advertising and entertainment, the impact can be profound, offering new ways to engage audiences and convey messages.

However, this progress also brings challenges, especially in terms of copyright issues and the ethical use of artificial intelligence in content production.

As technology evolves, so will the need for guidelines and best practices to ensure the responsible and respectful use of AI in creative work.

Popular Book Recommendations That You Can Listen to in Audio


Interest in audiobooks, which have become popular in recent years by differentiating the book-reading experience, is increasing day by day.

We have compiled popular books in our article for those who want to start listening to audiobooks.

What is an audiobook?

audio book

The audio recording or visual of a reader or narrator reading a book out loud is called an audiobook.

The tone of voice of the people reading the book is striking, keeping people alive. Many narrators, such as actors, sound effects experts, diction trainers, can record digital versions of printed books.

Although the term audiobook has begun to be used extremely frequently today, it is a practice that emerged in the 1930s to support visually impaired readers.

It is possible to talk about more than one benefit of audiobooks for readers. For example;

  • Audiobooks save time for people who have to do more than one job.
  • Listening to the book in a different person’s voice allows your imagination to expand further. Narrators who use their voices expertly make different emphases while conveying the books to the other party to convey the emotions better. This makes it easier for you to visualize the characters in your imagination.
  • Audiobooks are great resources for individuals who have reading difficulties and are visually impaired. Audio books allow them to easily access the books they want to read and have an enjoyable time.
  • For people who have trouble sleeping, audiobooks can be soothing. Continuing the adventure we started by listening to fairy tales in our childhood can have a relaxing effect and may be peaceful for people experiencing this problem.

5 Books You Can Listen to Out Loud

We have compiled five books for you that you can easily find and listen to aloud in the different applications we use today. Let’s take a closer look at these books.

1. Sabahattin Ali: Madonna in a Fur Coat 

If you haven’t read Madonna in a Fur Coat, one of Sabahattin Ali’s most popular and beloved works, you can quickly add it to the audiobooks that will accompany your day.

You can take a closer look at the love lives of Raif Efendi, who has an ordinary life, and Maria Puder, who suddenly entered his world, and find yourself in the middle of a sad love adventure.

If you do not have time or are limited to readinging this must-read work, we recommend that you do not miss the opportunity to listen to it aloud.

 2. Franz Kafka – Transformation 

If you haven’t had a chance to read The Metamorphosis, one of Franz Kafka’s most well-known books, then let’s take you here.

If you want the door to open into the room of fabric salesman Gregor Samsa, no matter where you are, this book is for you. You will be able to accompany the extraordinary adventure of Samsa, whose thoughts change when he wakes up in the morning and finds himself in the form of a giant insect.

We can say that as you listen to the book, it pushes the boundaries between reality and fiction, and there will be moments when you wonder whether one day you will turn into an insect. Maybe we can have the same thoughts as Samsa?

 3. George Orwell – 1984

It is a book written by George Orwell in 1947 and tells about the struggle of Winston Smith, who lives in London, with Big Brother and his views. 1984, which is among the cult works, will give you a different listening experience with its dystopian story.

4. Paulo Coelho – The Alchemist

Have you heard that this book was written inspired by the narratives in Mesnevi? If you are one of those who want to accompany Santiago, an Andalusian shepherd, on his adventure from Spain to Egypt in search of inner peace and happiness, follow your heart and add this book to your list.

5. Jose Mauro de Vasconcelos – Candy Orange

Sugar Orange, the first book of the series consisting of 3 books, sheds light on the world of Zeze, who grew up in a poor and loveless family.

As you listen to the book, you will understand that you are actually a guest in the life of not only Zeze but also the author. This book, which takes you to completely different lands with its realistic narration, should be among the first books you listen to.


Session Description Protocol (SDP) Nedir?


SDP is responsible for announcing the session and providing information about it by sending the necessary invitations.

Specifically, it is a compass that guarantees that the media flow is delivered to the parties without losing its way, in conversations involving multimedia based on audio or video transmission over IP. You can find details about SDP in this article.

Session Description Protocol (SDP) Nedir?

SDP, which we know as the session identification protocol, unlike SIP, deals with the session itself, not its media.

It allows the session to adapt to the transferred media. It is necessary to create the necessary conditions for multimedia sessions such as video calls and voice calls (voIP).

It processes and defines a variety of metadata, from codecs to participants’ transmission addresses and protocols.

At first glance, we can actually compare SDP to operators who install and test devices such as barcovision, headphones, microphones and speakers in a meeting room.

Indeed, SDP is not a protocol that provides media transmission on its own. It has a structure that reveals parameters and supports communication.

In other words, it deals with the installation scheme, not the materials installed. It works in concert with protocols that determine session initiation and streaming, and can take part in many different media-based searches.

However, SDP does not specify individual media protocols. It presents the types of media it can support to SIP and asks it to choose among them. The session takes shape from here on.

What Does the Session Description Protocol (SDP) Do?

When a VoIP call is made over SIP, an invitation message will be added to the dialed number.

This message serves as an information note about the codec to be used in accordance with SDP, the addresses, and communication channels where communication will take place.

In other words, when there is a media transfer, the principles on which that transfer will be possible are determined.

At its most basic, the SIP phone determines the purpose and identity of the session and then transfers the SDP information from the caller to the called SIP phone.

After this initial contact, as soon as the call is received, the embedded SDP data will be sent again to the SIP phone from which the call was first made.

Thanks to this process, when the call in question is activated, the identifying phones of this SIP-based session are not only aware of the media to be transferred.

That media; It also knows where it will be sent, in what medium (audio, video, music) and through what type of codec.

In summary, after SDP, IPs and the media transfer-based function of the session are determined, it is useful to determine the parameters of that media stream.

At the end of the work, a compatible protocol is created for the SIP-based call by adjusting the available media, channels and codecs according to the type of media to be transferred.

The session definition protocol (SDP) consists of sequential arrays of <character> = <value> lines.

Here, the <character> line consists entirely of alphabetic characters and its function may differ depending on the use of uppercase or lowercase letters. The line we see next to it as <value> is within a structured text.

There are three parts in the SDP schema that we can define as “session”, “scheduling” and “media descriptions.”. Of course, there is only one session defined.

What are session description protocol terms?

SDP terms can be listed as follows;

  • Conference:It is a set consisting of the parties between whom communication, communication and media transfer takes place, as well as the software that these parties use for the action in question.
  • Session:It consists of components that send and receive the medium in question and ensure that this medium can be transmitted continuously.
  • Session Notification:We can also call this term “invitation”. It defines the session for users who will attend the conference and allows planning by including time and environment information. Also known as session announcement.
  • Session Identification:It is a programmed format to detect and include the necessary information in a session involving multiple media. We can say that it defines the function of SDP.

We have completed our terminology about SDP, which is known as “Session Description Protocol” in English and “Session Description Protocol” in .

The session identification protocol, which does not provide any media flow but acts as a communication bridge, includes many terms.

Although the SDP initially appeared as a component of the Announcement Protocol, it began to serve other purposes over time. We will see together what will happen in the future.

Former DeepMind Engineer Develops YugoGPT, ChatGPT Clone for South Slavic Languages


Aleksa Gordic, founder of Runa AI – a multilingual startup co-founder of generative artificial intelligence core models for enterprise – announced the availability of YugoGPT.

Gordic claims that this is the largest productive language model built to teach Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian, and Montenegrin languages ​​to do more or less the same thing.

 ChatGPT is for English, meaning to understand texts, answer questions, and act as an AI assistant for people and companies in the region.

Bosnian, Croatian, Montenegrin, and Serbian (BCMS) are mutually intelligible South Slavic languages ​​spoken in Southeastern Europe, namely Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, and Serbia.

“ChatGPT will respond to your inquiry on how you plan to pay your taxes this year, but it will assume that you do so in the United States.

On the other hand, you can train a broad language model (LLM) for your own local needs. This is the advantage of yugoGPT”, Gordic told Serbian media When asked in an interview with why the locals need it, chatGPT is in their language.

Motivated by a sense of frustration with apparent shortcomings outside of the English Natural Language Processing (NLP) realm, Gordic embarked on the creation of YugoGPT earlier this summer to raise the standard of language models beyond the confines of the English-dominated NLP landscape.

“We believe AI should serve every language, and we build multilingual GenAI/underlying models for businesses,” Aleksa Gordic said in a LinkedIn post.

“Our next step will be to raise seed funding to accelerate, acquire a GPU cluster, and build an enterprise LLM platform,” he added.

Yugo’s Unique AbilitiesGPT

Yugo's Unique AbilitiesGPT

“YugoGPT 7B significantly beats Mistral and ranks #2 from LLaMA Meta (formerly Facebook) and is now officially the world’s best open source LLM for Serbian and other HBS (Croatian, Bosnian, Montenegrin) languages.” si.” Mentioned on LinkedIn.

According to Gordic, model parameters will be made accessible to individuals and companies.

This will increase flexibility by enabling customization for specializations in various fields such as finance, taxes, psychology, and more.

Amid concerns about data security and privacy, numerous companies are expressing hesitation about trusting American APIs, citing discomfort with sending sensitive data to third-party servers.

Gordic sheds light on this trend, noting a growing preference for using AI capabilities directly in on-premises computing systems.

Gordic emphasizes that access to model parameters gives organizations greater control over the functions of AI and addresses concerns about third-party involvement.

Gordic, who graduated from the electronics department of the Belgrade Faculty of Electrical Engineering in 2017, worked as a software and machine learning engineer on the HoloLens project at Microsoft’s Development Center in Serbia

After this, he specialized in languages ​​and joined Google’s DeepMind. Models with image and video understanding capabilities.

Can Artificial Intelligence Gain Consciousness?

Artificial intelligence has made great progress with technological developments in recent years.

However, the relationship between consciousness and artificial intelligence still remains a huge question mark.

In this article, we included some basic thoughts about artificial intelligence and its limits.

Artificial intelligence and the nature of consciousness

Artificial intelligence is generally defined as a system fed by data and guided by algorithms that can fulfill a specific purpose.

However, it is quite unclear what human consciousness is and whether it can be simulated by artificial intelligence.

-Concept of consciousness and human experience: Consciousness; It includes multifaceted elements such as human inner experience, emotions, awareness and self-consciousness.

These experiences are related to the extremely deep and detailed workings of the human mind and are still not fully understood. It is still unclear how AI can simulate these internal experiences.

-The limit of artificial intelligence: Artificial intelligence is trained for a specific goal and learns through data.

However, fundamental elements of human consciousness, such as emotional experiences, self-awareness, cannot be directly simulated by current AI models.

-The process of gaining consciousness: Human consciousness is shaped by complex experiences throughout the development process.

Artificial intelligence systems gain knowledge through data analysis and learning. However, it is quite far from the current technological level for these systems to develop a human-like consciousness.

-Artificial intelligence ethics: Ethical responsibilities may arise if artificial intelligence becomes conscious. For example, in November 2021, UNESCO created its first global standard on AI ethics, the “Recommendation on Artificial Intelligence Ethics.”

This framework was adopted by all 193 Member States. However, comprehensive Policy Action Areas that enable policymakers to translate core values ​​and principles into action on data governance, environment and ecosystems, gender, education and research, and health and social well-being make the AI ​​Ethics Recommendation applicable. [one]

Artificial intelligence and its limits


Artificial intelligence; It is a technology that can perform data analysis, learning algorithms and various tasks. However, human-like consciousness and emotional intelligence have some obvious limitations:

-Algorithms and specific tasks: Artificial intelligence models are trained for a specific purpose and usually focus on a limited area or task.

For example; An AI model may specialize in a specific task, such as facial recognition or language translation, but these abilities do not create human-like consciousness.

Lack of emotional intelligence: Artificial intelligence cannot yet simulate human characteristics such as emotional intelligence and empathy.

AI models are limited in their ability to understand emotions or respond appropriately to emotional responses.

-Self-awareness and intellectual capacity: Artificial intelligence systems cannot grasp complex concepts that humans have, such as self-awareness, inner thoughts and personal experiences.

Simulating such human-like qualities is beyond current technological capabilities.

-The process of gaining consciousness: Consciousness is a process consisting of complex experiences and interactions throughout human life.

Artificial intelligence learns through training and data, but imitating the process of gaining human-like consciousness or reaching this level requires much more comprehensive studies.

Artificial  intelligence and ethics


The ethical dimension of consciousness and artificial intelligence is a very deep issue because the ethical problems that may arise if artificial intelligence gains consciousness are also quite deep.

If artificial intelligence can gain consciousness, this could start a new debate about the rights and responsibilities of artificial intelligence.

In this case, concepts such as freedom come to the fore. It is necessary to think about the ethical and social consequences of whether a conscious artificial intelligence can act freely with its own choices and decisions.

In addition, questions arise such as who will be responsible for the actions of artificial intelligence in the event of gaining consciousness and how to determine the moral and legal responsibilities that will arise in this case.

The risk that biases or discrimination will be adopted by artificial intelligence may also raise serious concerns about social equality and justice.

SAP Launches Artificial Intelligence Solutions for Retailers to Elevate Customer Experiences


German software company SAP introduced AI-driven retail capabilities, including predictive demand planning and order management solutions, that help retailers optimize their processes, increase profitability and increase customer loyalty.

New capabilities include: SAP Predictive Demand Planning, which provides retailers with accurate, longer-term demand forecasts through a self-learning demand model.

Similarly, SAP Predictive Replenishment adds store replenishment capabilities to optimize multi-level supply chains by considering factors such as demand variability and business objectives.

Additionally, the company has introduced an Order Management solution for sourcing and availability that allows organizations to determine optimal sourcing strategies to suit their unique goals.

This enables the creation of multi-channel order flows that respond to a variety of business events, offering a streamlined and customizable workflow automation tool.

“These AI-driven retail capabilities are built on industry-specific, intelligent solutions from SAP customer experience (CX) that provide companies with deeply integrated functionality to enable their most critical business processes and customer journeys,” said Ritu Bhargava, president and chief product officer of SAP Industries and CX. strategy,” he said.

“SAP’s composable architecture helps retailers unlock their creative potential, selecting talent tailored to their unique needs and enabling them to rapidly innovate and respond to market demands, ultimately powering profitable growth,” Bhargava added.

According to the company, the newly introduced capabilities cover a variety of retail functions, from planning to personalized customer experiences.

By providing retailers with holistic customer insights and data analysis tools, SAP aims to equip them with the agility needed to keep up with the rapid changes in today’s market.

Empower Retailers to Choose Personalized Solutions

SAP’s approach is to provide retailers with the flexibility to choose capabilities tailored to their unique needs.

Integration of experiential and operational data across the organization is highlighted as a key factor in facilitating smarter, personalized customer experiences.

Featuring users’ opinions help understand the real-world impact of SAP solutions .

“In today’s environment, staying informed across the business is critical, which is why Swarovski has continued to embrace and leverage end-to-end solutions from SAP that allow us to connect our business processes,” said Lea Sonderegger, chief digital officer and chief digital officer. Swarovski’s chief information officer.

Sonderegger added: “Since we started using SAP software, we have had the flexibility and security to support continuous innovation, giving us a consistent foundation to innovate to create unparalleled Swarovski customer loyalty and unique customer experiences across all touchpoints.”

Predicting an increase in retail investments, Leslie Hand, IDC’s group vice president of retail and financial insights, emphasized the important role of a strategic partner that understands and can deliver end-to-end capabilities.

Additionally, the SAP Emarsys Customer Engagement platform now integrates Tick Tock and LinkedIn for targeted digital ads to enhance digital advertising efforts.

 Marketers can leverage this integration to segment customers, engage potential customers, optimize ad spend, and improve the overall omnichannel retail experience.

OpenAI’s Sam Altman Reveals GPT-5 Features and Points to the Coming of Artificial General Intelligence


OpenAI CEO Sam Altman , envisioning the capabilities of GPT-5 and the imminent arrival of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), urged startups to align their development strategies with future advances.

 Altman shared his insights during a podcast interview with tech visionary Bill Gates, shedding light on the key milestones OpenAI has been working diligently to define landscape GPT-5 .

Altman emphasized the significance of multi-modality in GPT-5, claiming that video will play a pivotal role in its functionality.

He said that GPT-5 is ready to manage video content input and output, which represents a major improvement in the model’s capabilities.

Moreover, he drew a sharp contrast between GPT-4 and its successor, indicating a significant leap in reasoning abilities .

Noting that GPT-4’s reasoning abilities are severely limited, similar to a child’s understanding, he noted GPT-5’s expected System 2 cognitive abilities, allowing for more nuanced and complex reasoning for a wide range of situations.

and its offspring, suggesting a massive boost in cognitive capacities. He compared the very constrained reasoning abilities of GPT-4 to a child’s comprehension, pointing out that GPT-5 is expected to have System 2 cognitive abilities, which will allow for more complicated and nuanced thinking. reasoning for a wide array of situations.

When GPT-4 was repeatedly questioned, it became unreliable, which led Altman to point out a significant improvement in GPT-5.

 Altman explained that GPT-5 is expected to learn and remember the most effective responses from its training data, ensuring consistent and accurate performance across various tasks.

Sam Altman of OpenAI stated on Bill Gates’ Unconfuse that “if you ask GPT-4 a question 10,000 times, one of those 10,000 is probably pretty good, but it doesn’t know which one.” Me Podcast.

Altman underscored the diverse user expectations from GPT-4 and emphasized OpenAI’s commitment to addressing these varied needs.

The much-anticipated GPT-5 is poised to provide unparalleled customization options, enabling users to tailor the model to various styles and preferences.

 Altman suggested integrating personal information, including calendar and email information , to enhance the model’s contextual understanding and decision-making capabilities.

“People want very different things from GPT4, different styles, we will make that all possible; “also using your own data such as connect to your calendar, email can enhance the AI ​​model into knowing when to book appointment,” said Altman.

Strategic Imperatives for AI Builders

In his outlook for AI developers, Altman stressed that GPT-5 will inevitably make GPT-4 short-term solutions outdated by the middle to end of 2024.

In order to better connect their efforts with the GPT-5’s developing capabilities, he urged builders to refocus their efforts toward building products with an AGI perspective.

It is essential to uncover fundamental principles and offer solutions that correspond with the sophisticated features of the future model, avoiding pointless optimization efforts for GPT-4. The tech community now faces the problem of predicting and utilizing GPT-5’s disruptive potential as it ushers in a new era, after Altman’s findings. era of artificial intelligence.

PowerInfer: Fast Large Language Model Served with Consumer Grade GPU

Due to their outstanding content generation capabilities, Generative Large Language Models are now at the forefront of the AI ​​revolution with continuous efforts to improve their generative capabilities.

However, despite rapid developments, these models require significant computing power and resources. This is largely because they consist of hundreds of billions of parameters.

Moreover, thousands of GPUs are needed for productive artificial intelligence models to run smoothly, which leads to significant operational costs.

High operational demands are the main reason why generative AI models have not yet been effectively implemented on personal-grade devices.

In this article, we will discuss PowerInfer, a high-speed LLM inference engine designed for standard computers powered by a single consumer-grade GPU.

The PowerInfer framework aims to exploit the high locality inherent in LLM inference, characterized by a power law distribution in neuron activations.

This means that at any given time, a small subset of ‘hot’ neurons are consistently active across inputs, while the remainder, called ‘cold’ neurons, are activated according to specific inputs or requirements.

This approach enables the PowerInfer framework to reduce the computing power required for generative AI to produce desired outputs.

We will examine the PowerInfer framework in detail, examining its methodology, pipeline and practical application results. Let’s start.

PowerInfer: Fast Big Language Model with Consumer Grade GPU

Generative Big Language Models, such as ChatGPT and DALL-E, handle advanced generative and natural language processing tasks.

 Due to their high computational requirements, these models are often used in data centers with advanced GPUs.

The need for such high computing power limits their deployment to data centers and highlights the need to distribute large language models to more accessible native platforms such as personal computers.

Increasing the accessibility of large language models can reduce inference and context generation costs, improve data privacy, and allow model customization.

 Additionally, data center deployments may prioritize high throughput, while local Master deployments may focus on low latency due to smaller batch sizes.

However, deploying these models to local devices poses significant challenges due to significant memory requirements.

Large language models that act as autoregressive transformers generate text on a token-by-token basis, with each token requiring access to the entire model consisting of hundreds of billions of parameters.

This requires a large number of high-end GPUs for low-latency output generation.

Additionally, native deployments often process individual requests sequentially, limiting the potential for parallel processing.

To meet the complex memory requirements of a generative AI framework, existing solutions use methods such as model offloading and compression.

Techniques such as distillation, pruning, and quantization reduce the model size but are still too large for standard-grade GPUs in personal computers.

Model offloading, which splits the model between CPUs and GPUs in the Transformer Layer, enables distributed layer processing between CPU and GPU memories.

However, this method is limited by the slow PCIe interconnect and limited computational capabilities of CPUs, resulting in high inference latency.

The PowerInference framework suggests that the mismatch between LLM inference features and hardware architecture is the primary cause of memory issues in LLM inference.

Ideally, frequently accessed data should be stored in high-bandwidth, limited-capacity GPUs, while less frequently accessed data should be stored in low-bandwidth, high-capacity CPUs.

However, the large parameter volume of each LLM inference iteration makes the working set too large for a single GPU, resulting in inefficient use of locality.

The inference process in large language models exhibits high locality, where each iteration activates a limited number of neurons.

The PowerInference framework aims to exploit this position by managing a small number of hot neurons with the GPU while the CPU manages the cold neurons.

It preselects and preloads hot neurons on the GPU and identifies neurons that are activated during runtime.

This approach minimizes costly PCIe data transfers, allowing GPUs and CPUs to independently process the neurons assigned to them.

But deploying LLMs to native devices faces hurdles. Online predictions, which are vital for identifying active neurons, consume significant amounts of GPU memory.

 The PowerInfer framework uses an adaptive method to generate small estimators for layers with higher activation skewness and sparsity, preserving accuracy while reducing size.

In addition, Master frameworks require special sparse operators. The PowerInfer framework eliminates the need for specific sparse format conversions by using neuron-aware sparse operators that communicate directly with neurons.

Finally, it is difficult to optimally place activated neurons between the CPU and GPU. The PowerInfer framework uses an offline phase to generate a neuron placement policy, measure the impact of each neuron on the LLM inference results, and frame it as an integer linear problem.

Architecture and Methodology

The figure below details the architecture of the PowerInfer framework, which consists of offline and online components in the pipeline.

Due to the observed differences in locality properties between different regions , large language models The offline component allows the LLM framework to distinguish between hot and cold neurons by profiling activation sparsity.

On the other hand, in the offline phase, two types of neurons are loaded into both the CPU and the GPU by the inference engine, thus servicing LLM requests with low latency during runtime.

Offline Phase: Policy Solver and LLM Profiler

In the offline phase, an LLM profiler component uses requests derived from the public dataset to collect activation data from the inference process.

 In the first step, it monitors the activation of neurons in all layers in the framework and proceeds to use a policy solver component to categorize neurons as hot or cold.

The main goal of the policy solver is to allocate more frequently activated neurons to GPU layers while allocating the rest to CPU layers.

In the second stage, the policy solver component uses neuron impact measurements and hardware specifications to balance the workload between layers and maximizes the GPU’s impact measurement for neurons using integer linear programming.

Online Phase: Neuron Aware Graduate Inference Engine

Once the offline phase executes successfully, the framework continues executing the online phase. In the third step of the process, the online engine assigns hot and cold neurons to the relevant processing units before processing user requests based on the output of the offline policy solver.

During runtime and in step 4, the online engine handles GPU-CPU calculations by creating CPU and GPU executors, which are threads that run on the CPU side.

 The motor then predicts the activated neurons and continues to skip the inactive neurons.

The activated neurons are then pre-loaded into the GPU for further processing. Meanwhile, the CPU calculates and transfers the results so that its neurons integrate with the GPU.

 Because the online engine uses sparse neuron-aware operators on CPUs as well as GPUs, it is able to focus on individual rows and columns of neurons within matrices.

Adaptive Sparsity Estimators

The key concept behind reducing computational loads with the online inference engine in the PowerInfer framework is that it only processes neurons that it predicts will be activated.

Traditionally, a framework in each Transformer layer uses two different predictors to predict the activation of neurons in the MLP and individual blocks of attention; as a result, the inference calculation is limited to neurons predicted to be active.

However, it is difficult to design effective predictors for local distribution because the limited amount of resources makes it difficult to balance model size and prediction accuracy.

 Since these predictors are often used by the framework to predict active neurons, they need to be stored on the GPU to provide faster access.

 However, frameworks often use a large number of estimators, which take up a significant amount of memory, even those required to store LLM parameters.

Moreover, the size of the predictors is generally determined by two factors: Internal Skewness and Sparsity of the LLM layers.

To optimize these factors, the PowerInfer framework leverages an iterative training method without fixed size for each predictor in the Transformer layer.

 In the first step of this training method, the size of the base model is created based on the sparsity profile of the model, and to maintain accuracy, the size of the model is iteratively adjusted considering the internal activation skewness.

Neuron Placement and Management

As mentioned before, the offline policy solver component determines the neuron placement policy, while the online inference engine component loads the model into GPU and CPU memory according to the generated policy.

 For each layer, with or without multiple weight matrices, the PowerInfer framework assigns each neuron to the CPU or GPU depending on whether the neuron is enabled while running.

 For accurate results, it is important to ensure correct calculation of segmented neurons in the specified order.

 To overcome this, the PowerInfer framework creates two neuron tables: one located on the GPU and the other in CPU memory; each table relates individual neurons to their original positions in the matrix.

Neuron Aware Operator

Given the sparsity of activation observed in large language models, inactive neurons and their weights can be skipped by matrix multiplication operations, thus necessitating the use of sparse operators.

Instead of using sparse operators with various limitations, the PowerInfer framework uses neuron-aware operators that compute activated neurons and their weights directly on the GPU and CPU, without requiring dense conversion at runtime.

Neuron-aware operators differ from traditional sparse operators in that they focus on individual row and column vectors within a single matrix rather than focusing on the entire matrix.

Neuron Placement Policy

To leverage the computational capabilities of CPUs and GPUs, the offline component in the PowerInfer framework creates a placement policy that guides the framework when allocating neurons to CPU or GPU layers.

 The policy solver creates this policy and checks the neuron placement in each layer; this helps determine the computational workload for individual processing units.

 When generating the placement policy, the policy solver component takes into account different factors, including the activation frequency for each neuron, the communication overhead, and the computational capabilities of each processing unit, such as bandwidths and memory size.

Results and Application

To demonstrate the generalization capabilities of the PowerInfer framework across devices with different hardware configurations, the experiments were performed on two different personal computers: one equipped with an Intel i9-13900K processor, NVIDIA RTX 4090 GPU, and 192 GB of host memory, while the other runs on an Intel i7-12700K processor, NVIDIA RTX 2080Ti GPU and 64 GB of host memory.

End-to-end performance of the PowerInfer framework compared to llama.cpp with batch size 1 and default deployment settings.

 The framework then samples prompts from the ChatGPT and Alpaca datasets, given the length variability observed in real-world dialogue input and output. The figure below shows production speeds for different models.

As can be seen, the PowerInfer framework generates 8.32 tokens per second and up to 16 tokens per second, thus outperforming the lama.

cpp framework by a significant margin. Additionally, as the number of output tokens increases, the performance of the PowerInfer framework increases as the generation phase significantly affects the overall inference time.

Additionally, as can be seen in the image above, the PowerInfer framework outperforms the llama.cpp framework on low-end computers, with a peak token generation rate of 7 tokens per second and an average token generation rate of 5 tokens per second.

The image above shows the distribution of neuron loads between GPU and CPU for two frames. As can be seen, the PowerInfer framework significantly increases the neuron load share of the GPU from 20% to 70%.

The image above compares the performance of the two frameworks on two computers with different specifications.

As can be seen, the PowerInfer framework provides consistently high throughput token creation speed compared to the llama.cpp framework.

Our Final Thoughts

In this article, we talked about PowerInfer, a high-speed LLM inference engine for a standard computer powered by a single consumer-grade GP.

At its core, the PowerInfer framework attempts to leverage high-locality natural inference in LLMs, a method characterized by the power-law distribution of neuron activation.

The PowerInfer framework is a fast interfering system designed for large language models that uses adaptive estimators and neuron-aware operators to enable neurons and computational sparsity.

Frame Relay Networks Nedir?


You can find the features, advantages and disadvantages of Frame Relay Networks, a network technology that allows data to be transmitted at high speed, in our article.

Frame Relay Networks, Nedir?

Frame Relay, known as a corporate network service, is preferred by many users around the world.

The network protocol called Frame Relay is based on packet switching. Data is transmitted in the form of packages thanks to Frame Relay Networks, which provide faster, more efficient and more affordable connections compared to their counterparts.

Enterprise network service, also called Frame Switching, enables different channels to be available over a single transmission line.

Frame Relay Networks, where data can be transmitted via a single transmission line, increases the efficiency of the networks within it compared to before by transmitting large volumes of traffic.

Thanks to its special design and fast connection, it prevents the complexity that may occur on the network and there is no need to choose separate transmission lines for different channels.

Corporate network service, in other words Frame Relay, is widely used around the world because it is fast in terms of response time as well as being improved in terms of performance.

Frame Relay Networks, which provide both fast and efficient transmission of data, are based on the OSI model; In terms of layer, it works at the 2nd layer and easily transmits data in the form of frames, in other words, packages.

In addition to the fact that the data transferred is structured information, Frame Relay also offers a transport service that supports different protocols and applications that can meet various environments.

Frame switching also features improved audio transmission due to its multi-protocol structure.

What Do Frame Relay Networks Do and How Do They Work?

Frame Relay Networks, a network protocol that allows data to be transmitted in packets or frames, helps share resources that belong to more than one user and enable communication.

How about communicating with different points using a single line? With the network connection made thanks to Frame Relay, it is possible to communicate with different points using a single line.

If they prefer Frame Relay Networks, instead of using a special line with two ends; users are using broad network bandwidth.

On the Frame Relay, where virtual circuits are established with the help of the network, path creation is constantly carried out for each of the circuit paths throughout the data transmission. The steps that the network protocol follows during its operation are as follows:

  • In the first of the Frame Relay steps, the abbreviation DTE is translated into our language as Data Terminal Device. In the relevant step, framing and packaging of users’ data is done.
  • The next step in which the data packaged on Frame Relay DTE is transmitted is DCE. The abbreviation DCE is translated into our language as Data Communication Device; It is defined as the step where the incoming data is examined and checked whether the address is valid or not. After the address validity check, it runs the FCS function in the next step.
  • In the function, abbreviated as FCS, which is translated as Structure Control Sequence in our language, incoming packets can be accepted to the network; There is also the possibility that packetized data may not be accepted into the network. If accepted, the frames are transmitted to the destination, and if they fail, they are not accepted on the network.

Frame Relay Networks Features

The features of Frame Relay Networks, whose definition, function and operation we mentioned, are as follows:

  • It prevents the complexity that may occur on the network.
  • It helps automatically redirect to a different location in case of an error through network connections.
  • It is a reliable, efficient and fast corporate network service.
  • Frame Relay Networks, which is described as a corporate network service, does not price according to the distance of the relevant networks.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of frame-relay networks?

Frame-relay networks, which have higher speed and efficiency compared to their peers, are known for the advantages they provide to their users. Frame Relay advantages are listed as follows:

  • It has a special design that allows sharing in terms of bandwidth.
  • Frame Relay can be scaled both locally and nationwide.
  • While the latency of the data is low; The efficiency is high.
  • It is affordable as it reduces the costs of leased lines by a maximum of 50%.

Besides the advantages mentioned above, corporate network service also has disadvantages. Considering the different lengths of frame types, the network protocol allows frames of different lengths, causing variable delays for various users. This is also among its disadvantages. Due to variable delays, the relevant network protocol is not suitable for video and teleconferencing.