7 important advantages that kiosk usage brings to retail


Kiosks, which aim to meet the needs of customers without the need for an employee, both facilitate and accelerate the information and purchasing processes. 

These devices, which are generally found in public areas or businesses, provide great benefits to institutions and users.

Nowadays, kiosks, which are widely used in the retail industry, are placed inside or outside the store and made available to customers. 

Kiosks provide consumers with detailed information about the product or service they are looking for and are also used for order taking and payment process. 

In this way, customers complete their purchases at the kiosk without creating long queues in front of the cash register and proceed to the delivery point in the store. 

Kiosks, which are frequently used in many sectors from electronics to clothing, from supermarkets to furniture, provide significant advantages to retailers.

What are the advantages of using kiosks in the retail industry?


Developed to meet the needs of users and provide an enhanced user experience, kiosks contribute greatly to the efficiency of businesses.

 Kiosks, which enable personnel costs to be reduced to an optimum level and provide faster and error-free results in matters such as making payments, obtaining information or tickets, also fundamentally affect customer satisfaction.

  • Easy access to information

Thanks to the kiosk terminals used in the retail sector, customers can easily access detailed information about products and services. 

  • Faster service

Thanks to kiosks, users have the opportunity to quickly access the service they need without wasting time.

  • Digital payment options

In the retail sector, businesses can offer their customers digital payment options such as QR payment, credit card and digital wallet through kiosks .

  • Human error is decreasing

The use of kiosks minimizes human errors such as incorrect order taking, incomplete information transfer and payment errors. 

  • stock tracking

Since kiosks can monitor stock levels in the store in real-time, they prevent unnecessary confusion by recommending products that are in stock to customers.

  • Data collection and analysis

Kiosks that can collect data about customers’ behavior enable businesses to make more strategic decisions by analyzing this data.

  • Higher customer satisfaction

Completing transactions for products and services through kiosks easily and quickly without waiting in line, providing service to international customers thanks to different language options, and preparing special offers and promotions when necessary, has a positive impact on customer satisfaction. 

Customizable kiosk hardware and software from İnnova

Kiosk İnnova, İnnova’s leading self-service solutions brand preferred in 25 countries , offers solutions that can be customized according to the needs of businesses.

 Kiosk Innova, which has been used by hundreds of businesses in many sectors for more than 20 years, promises customization at every point, from hardware production to software. 

İnnova’s kiosk family is designed with domestic resources; It enables operations such as information, payment, ticketing, visitor registration, and location finding to be carried out quickly and easily.

İnnova kiosk solutions, designed by the needs of customers and dressed according to the brand identity, also support the world’s leading self-service software if needed.

With its solutions such as payment and ticketing kiosks, visitor reception and registration systems, video wall and inMapper Wayfinding solutions, digital media design and in-store digital screens, Kiosk Innova helps businesses maximize their efficiency and profitability.

 Institutions that choose Kiosk İnnova have the opportunity to monitor all kiosks, Digital Signage (DS) and automation systems in the field at a single point. 

Thus, businesses have the opportunity to easily follow the processes and can also receive reporting via Kiosk Innova at any period they wish. 

Making business processes more efficient, Kiosk İnnova also provides periodic maintenance and technical support services with its expert team.


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