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What is the difference between RPA and AI? Explanation with usage examples


Recently, technological advancements using AI, such as ChatGPT, have been attracting attention, but many people may not know how they differ from RPA.

Even if you know that “both can be automated and improve work efficiency and productivity,” you need correct knowledge about the differences to implement them.

In this article, we will explain the differences between RPA and AI, which may seem similar but different, and provide examples of how they can be incorporated into daily work.

<Table of contents>

What is RPA (Robotic Process Automation)?

What is AI (Artificial Intelligence)?

Difference between RPA and AI

Which is better, RPA or AI?
Cases in which it is better to choose RPA Cases in which
it is better to choose AI

What can be done by combining RPA and AI
– Inventory prediction x ordering work
– AI call center x document issuing
– AI OCR x application work
– Email sorting x automatic reply


What is RPA (Robotic Process Automation)?

RPA is a technology that automates routine tasks using software robots. Automate routine tasks performed on a computer using RPA tools. It is possible to have robots memorize and automate tasks that are repeated daily, monthly, or yearly. This can be expected to save time and prevent human errors.

What is AI (artificial intelligence)?

AI is an abbreviation for artificial intelligence, which means artificial intelligence. AI is a technology that learns from and makes decisions from huge amounts of databases. It uses machine learning to think like a human. AI does not perform any work on its own, but is generally incorporated into a system.

Difference between RPA and AI

RPA and AI are both technologies, but the difference is whether or not you make your own decisions. RPA is a technology that automatically repeats specified tasks, and AI is a technology that allows computers to perform intelligent actions to solve problems. AI can analyze huge amounts of data and make predictions and decisions, but RPA does not make predictions or decisions. RPA repeatedly performs a set task, whereas AI makes predictions and decisions based on data, so it does not necessarily repeat the same movements.

Which should I choose: RPA or AI?

We have explained the differences between RPA and AI, and now we will explain which one is best to incorporate into your business.

Cases in which it is better to choose RPA

A case where it is better to choose RPA is when there is a routine task that requires repeating.

For example, let’s say that there is aggregation work to be done every month, and in order to separate sales data by department, product category, etc., you have to do the aggregation work in an in-house system like the one below.

  • Extract sales data from internal database
  • Import into aggregation system
  • Start counting
  • Email notification of completion of aggregation

RPA can automate the repetitive tasks mentioned above. If the person in charge of data collection omits even one step, it will lead to a serious mistake. By using RPA, it is possible to respond to the sudden absence or retirement of the person in charge, and the work always proceeds according to a fixed process.

Cases in which it is better to choose AI

Cases in which it is better to choose AI are jobs where humans make decisions based on data and make analysis and predictions.

For example, it can be used to predict inventory from sales data and derive the required order quantity. You can also predict and analyze changes in sales due to limited-time campaigns and seasons. By repeatedly making predictions, AI will be able to provide more accurate analysis. You can play a role in human resource development and to compensate for labor shortages.

What can be done with the combination of RPA and AI

By combining RPA and AI, tasks handled by multiple people can be resolved quickly and seamlessly. Based on the predictions and judgments made, AI can issue the necessary work instructions to RPA and automate a series of tasks. I will give four specific examples.

Inventory forecast x ordering operations

As mentioned above, it is possible to automate ordering operations using RPA based on inventory and order quantities predicted by AI.

AI makes inventory predictions based on sales data on behalf of inventory and order management personnel. Then, the necessary order quantity is determined from the forecast and the necessary items are specified in the purchase order template processed by RPA. RPA inputs necessary information such as order items and quantities instructed by AI into the purchase order, and sends the order to the supplier.

By combining AI and RPA, it is possible to improve the work efficiency of both the administrator and the person in charge of work, and to eliminate labor shortages.

AI call center x document issuance

Companies operating call centers are increasingly introducing AI. In particular, there are cases where call operations are entrusted to AI and the issuance of documents based on the hearing content is automated using RPA.

The AI ​​in charge of call operations reads out questions from prepared scenarios, analyzes the customer’s answers, and based on the answers provided via touch-tone phone, determines what documents are required for the customer and provides instructions to the RPA. . After determining whether the required document is, for example, a cancellation letter or a document confirming changes to the contract, it instructs RPA to prepare the appropriate document. When instructed, RPA automatically performs a series of steps to fill out, issue, and send the relevant documents. It can be expected to save time compared to issuing documents based on human judgment.

AI OCR×Application work

We would like to introduce a case study in which it was actually introduced in a local government. This is a combination of RPA, which reads paper application forms using AI OCR and registers the digitized content in the system. OCR is a technology that converts characters written on paper into data, and the feature of AI OCR is that even characters that are difficult to read can be predicted and read using AI. The data read by AI OCR is input into the application system by RPA and registered. This process reduces time spent filling out paper applications and allows you to focus on value-added tasks.

Email sorting x automatic reply

There is a method that uses AI to classify emails, automatically sort them, and automatically send replies tailored to the received content.

AI analyzes the content of the email and determines the appropriate response based on pre-prepared response patterns.

The AI ​​then instructs the RPA to create a reply email, send it, and automate the entire process. This eliminates the worry of stressing customers due to delays in replies due to a lack of operators. Additionally, by having AI prioritize emails, you can perform your work more efficiently.


We have explained RPA and AI, but did you understand that they each can do different things?

RPA and AI are both indispensable technologies for companies aiming to automate operations and avoid individualization.

There are many problems that this can solve. To achieve this, it is necessary to make appropriate judgments about what kind of system is required.

In the future, technology will continue to advance and we will be able to achieve even more efficient work than we currently do. Tech Farm will continue to research these technologies and provide you with the latest information.

What is Copilot for Microsoft 365? Explaining the mechanism and features


Microsoft has begun offering the “Copilot for Microsoft 365” service, which is based on OpenAI’s GPT-4, and is attracting attention.

This service is expected to save time and improve productivity with Microsoft 365 products such as Excel and PowerPoint, which many people use in their work.

In this article, we will explain how Copilot for Microsoft 365 helps improve business efficiency, its mechanism and features.
Although it has not yet been widely adopted by domestic companies, please use it as a basis for making decisions about future implementation.

<Table of contents>

What is Copilot for Microsoft 365?

What you can do with Copilot for Microsoft 365
– Excel
, PowerPoint
, summarizing long texts (Word)
, summarizing conversations with many threads (Outlook)
, creating minutes (Teams) (Word)


What is Copilot for Microsoft 365?


Copilot for Microsoft 365 is an AI service built into Microsoft 365 applications such as Excel and PowerPoint. It suggests ways to use each application and generates documents and images.
It was announced by Microsoft in June 2023, and has been attracting a lot of attention since it began offering to businesses in November.

At the developer event “Microsoft Ignite” held in November, it was announced that the entire AI service would be unified with “Microsoft Copilot.”
Now, I will explain in detail the features, mechanism, and fees of Copilot.


As mentioned above, the biggest feature of using Microsoft 365 applications is that they teach you how to use them and generate them on your behalf. Anyone can produce high-level output even without the skills to utilize Microsoft 365.

The responses are quick and generated in real-time, which can save work time and improve efficiency and productivity.
In addition, your data is securely protected, and prompts, answers, and data obtained from Microsoft 365 Graph and applications are not learned, so you can use it with peace of mind that sensitive information will not be leaked.

About fees

Copilot for Microsoft 365 is currently only available in enterprise plans. It costs $30 per month per user, which is approximately 4,500 yen in Japanese yen. However, a separate usage fee for Microsoft 365 products is required.


Copilot for Microsoft 365 uses a technology commonly referred to as GitHub Copilot. GitHub Copilot was originally developed by GitHub and Open AI. To put it simply, it is a service that uses AI to support programming coding.

By combining this technology with a large-scale language model and incorporating it into Microsoft 365 applications, even non-engineers can now utilize Microsoft 365 Copilot.

The flow of using Copilot is to issue instructions through prompts and generate output based on those instructions.

Specifically, like ChatGPT, the user first gives instructions using a prompt on the screen. The large-scale language model then follows the prompts, generates output using Microsoft Graph, and returns that output to the user.

What you can do with Copilot for Microsoft 365

We will explain usage examples in five representative applications.


Support for complex functions

If you don’t know the function formula in Excel, the answer will be output by asking you a question about the function.

For example, by asking a prompt such as “I want to find the relevant data in Excel and calculate its total value,” it will suggest a function that is a combination of VlookUp and Sum. Additionally, if there is an optimal combination of functions to continue our work, we may suggest it.

Utilization in data analysis

It is also useful for data analysis in Excel. For example, you can create graphs from sales data to visualize sales data. The data can then be used to predict future sales and assist in a series of marketing tasks.


Creating presentation materials

When creating presentation materials, you can give specific instructions to Copilot about what kind of materials you want to create and generate them.

The slides will be created based on the specified content. You can start creating and tell when you want to incorporate animation, and the image generation tool DALL-E 2 is also built in, so it will generate the images you need.

Cooperation with other applications

Copilot for Microsoft 365 also works with other applications, allowing you to create slides from Word documents and create summaries of Teams meetings using PowerPoint.

Long text summary (Word)

It is also useful when you want to summarize long data. For example, if you want to pick up only the necessary information from a long list of information on a site, you can send a prompt to Word to generate a summary, and a summary will be output.

Even if you want to change the tone from the original text, you can save the effort of editing by instructing the user to change the tone.

Summarize threaded conversations (Outlook)

This can be used when there are many threads when exchanging emails in Outlook.
For example, you can request a summary of a thread, and the summary will be output without having to scroll for a long time.
Even if there is a handover due to a change in responsibility, you can save time spending time with your predecessor to investigate the causes of past complaints and confirm the situation. You can quickly respond to the summarized content and strengthen your relationship with your customers.

Minute creation (Teams)

Copilot for Microsoft 365 helps you create minutes of meetings in Microsoft Teams. Copilot for Microsoft 365 allows you to understand the content that took a long time or that you were unable to understand. You can create meeting minutes smoothly by bullet-pointing only the main points and determining TODO for each person in charge.

Also, even if you join a meeting midway through, if you ask them to tell you the main points and to-dos for the first 20 minutes, they will output the actual main points and bulleted tasks.


Now you have a better understanding of Copilot for Microsoft 365. Although it is necessary to determine whether the output information is correct, we believe that we were able to see the expected value in improving work efficiency and productivity.

Skills that have been required up until now will no longer be required at such a high level if you rely on Copilot to some extent.
Microsoft’s AI development and research will continue to advance, and Copilot for Microsoft 365 will continue to evolve into even more accurate products. Why not start by trying it out now?

[2024 Technology Trends] Featured technologies from tech firm technical advisors


2024 was the year that OpenAI and Microsoft released services for companies related to generative AI, and technologies such as generative AI attracted a lot of attention. I’m sure many companies have gathered information on how it can be used in actual work.

Gartner Japan has announced the top 10 strategic technology trends for 2024. Our technical advisor (Masaki Kobayashi) has picked out the top 5 trends to watch, and we would like to introduce them to you.

In addition to the items announced by Gartner Japan, we have also selected three noteworthy technologies. In this article, we will provide an overview of these and explain the background behind their attention.

<Table of contents>

Top 5 Technology Trends for 2024 –
Machines, Customers
, development
, Platform Engineering
, Democratized Generative AI
, Intelligent Applications

top 3 technologies to watch in 2024
: Apple Vision Pro
, Wi-Fi 7
, Perovskite solar cells


5 technology trends for 2024

Gartner Japan, an IT consulting firm, has announced the top 10 strategic technology trends. We have selected the top 5 technologies that are of particular interest to our technical advisors from the released eBooks. I would like to introduce each of Kobayashi’s comments.

machine customer

By 2028, machine customers will render 20% of human-readable digital storefronts obsolete

-By the end of 2028, 20% of human-readable digital stores will be obsolete and replaced by machine customers

For the first time in human history, companies will be able to create their own customers, as Gartner shockingly explains: Sales focused on machines, not humans, will become a reality. It is a shocking theme in the sense that it breaks down the stereotype that it is naturally humans who pay the price, and it also has a great impact in the sense that it suggests that business may fundamentally change.

<Editor’s comment>
Machine customer literally means that the machine becomes the customer. Just like a human, the machine decides what it needs, sets the purchase quantity, and makes the purchase.
It’s hard to imagine how it would be used, but there are cases in the financial industry where some customers are machines. In the sequence of securities buying and selling transactions, humans are originally the ones who buy and sell, but now machines can make optimal purchases and sales at tremendous speeds, making it possible to make profits.
In the future, it will be necessary to recognize the emergence of machine customers and to create strategies based on an understanding of the differences between traditional human customers.

AI augmented development

By 2028, 75% of enterprise software engineers will use AI coding assistants, up from less than 10% in early 2023.

-By the end of 2028, 75% of enterprise software engineers will use AI coding assistants, up from less than 10% in early 2023.

Writing code is the core of modern software engineers’ work, and it is considered the most important skill for engineers. But in fact, this has been gradually changing in recent years.

There is no doubt that we need engineers with a deep understanding of source code, but as computers become more sophisticated and performant, even if they are not very good at source code, they can interact with people and conceptualize work. , the value of engineers who are better at organizing complex tasks is increasing relatively.

AI will be a factor that will greatly accelerate this trend. Going from less than 10% to 75% represents a paradigm shift, with the minority becoming the majority. I don’t think software engineers will disappear, but we need to be aware that the skills required will change significantly.

<Editor’s comment>
An example of an AI coding assistant is one of the features included in ChatGPT’s “Advanced data analysis” and “Copilot for Microsoft 365” available in Microsoft 365 products. Since it has already been released as a service, it is relatively easy to get an idea of ​​it. Perhaps it will reach 75% sooner than 2028.

platform engineering

By 2026, 80% of software engineering organizations will establish platform teams as internal providers of reusable services, components, and tools for application delivery.

-By the end of 2026, 80% of software engineering organizations will establish platform teams as internal providers of reusable services, components, and tools for application delivery.

The scale of software development continues to expand over time. Twenty years ago, servers had a few hundred megabytes of memory; today they have at least 100 times that amount. However, the amount of source code that a single software engineer writes by hand has not changed much.

Browsers have vastly increased their capabilities, server environments have vastly expanded the capabilities they offer, and open-source adoption has expanded. We are not just developing products, but are also involved not only in individual development teams but also in creating safe and efficient environments, how to select and handling open source software to be installed in them, operations and updates after release, continuous development, security inspections, etc. Platform engineering, which is carried out across development teams, will continue to grow in importance.

<Editor’s Comment>
Platform engineering is a new engineering method aimed at improving developer productivity. Automatically manages infrastructure and reduces the cognitive load on developers. Engineers can expect to improve their work efficiency and productivity.

Democratized generative AI

By 2026, more than 80% of enterprises will have used generative AI APIs, models and/or deployed generative AI-enabled applications in production environments, an increase from fewer than 5% today.

-By the end of 2026, more than 80% of enterprises will have generative AI APIs, modeled, and deployed generative AI-enabled applications in production, up from less than 5% today.

The appearance of ChatGPT was shocking. Until then, most people believed that natural language AI, especially generative models, was a field that was difficult to monetize, but in the past year or so, recognition has spread that this is something that will change the world. However, it seems that many people who tried ChatGPT and were shocked by it, ended up not using it much after a while.

Generative AI is difficult to use. Efforts to make this useful in actual work environments may progress rapidly over the next three years or so. At that time, many people may not think of it as generative AI, and it may become useful before they know it.

<Editor’s comment> The
number of companies in Japan that have already introduced and utilized generative AI is increasing. In recent years, generation AI has been introduced regardless of industry, and even areas such as more creative content production are being automated. It will become indispensable for business growth, improving operational efficiency, productivity, and cost reduction.

intelligent application

By 2026, 30% of new apps will use AI to drive personalized adaptive user interfaces, up from under 5% today.

-By the end of 2026, 30% of new apps will use AI to drive personalized and adaptive UI, up from less than 5% today.

In addition to traditional keyboards and mice, PCs and smartphones are now equipped with many cameras and sensors. Although apps are becoming more complex, the environment and skills of users are not constant. We must also deal with scams that exploit these gaps.
In such situations, incorporating AI into apps becomes a certain solution. App developers also need to think about how to create new UIs based on AI.

<Editor’s comment>
Gartner Japan describes intelligence as a basic function of apps, and says it brings about a wide range of uses and automation. Application developers also need to consider the expansion of the scope of use.

3 notable technologies in 2024

Next, we will explain the technologies to watch in 2024, selected by tech firm technical advisors.

Apple Vision Pro

In 2024, the highly anticipated Apple Vision Pro will finally be released. Apple Vision Pro is an MR headset device provided by Apple.

Many XR devices have created new markets in the past, but Vision Pro’s capabilities have the potential to completely change the impression we have of the virtual world.
There is still a lot of room for improvement in device size and price. It is unlikely that it will become something that the majority of people use on a daily basis right away in 2024. However, this is not just a new device; it has the potential to create a paradigm shift.

Here, we will explain this possibility based on two axes: device consolidation and cloud computing.

Equipment consolidation

Until now, many people have used different information electronic devices such as PCs, smartphones, and tablets. Many people probably have multiple of them for different purposes.
However, once XR devices become widespread in society, there may be no point or need to own these devices separately. In a virtual space, you can use any number of these devices, and there is no need to worry about theft or battery life of each device. In fact, it no longer needs to be in the form of a PC or smartphone.

Have you ever imagined a society where everyone wears a Vision Pro on their head? That may not necessarily be the case. It is also possible that simpler devices or services that use external display devices will emerge that can be used in place of Vision Pro.
It is easy to imagine that the user experience of owning and using information devices will change dramatically.

Accelerating cloud migration

Even now, the functions provided by PCs and smartphones are increasingly being moved to the cloud.
If these devices enter the virtual space, their functionality will be provided in the cloud. Information devices on the cloud always maintain the state desired by the user. There is no need to turn off the power or reconnect wires.

It may not be just electronic devices. Machine operations and interactions can be connected to remote locations through low-latency, high-speed networks. Various collaborative tasks, on-site inspections, driving operations, and guidance can not only be used remotely through the cloud, but also make it easier to understand the status and results.

Wi-Fi 7

Wi-Fi 7 products are being released one after another. Many access points, PCs, and smartphones are now compatible with Wi-Fi 7. Here, we will introduce two points about the user experience that will change with Wi-Fi 7.

6GHz band

This was already introduced in its predecessor, Wi-Fi 6E, but now it can now use the 6GHz frequency band in addition to the 2.4GHz and 5GHz frequencies previously used for Wi-Fi. It may not seem like a big deal when you hear just that, but the frequency band allocated to 6GHz is vast, more than twice as wide as 5GHz and about 20 times as wide as 2.4GHz. This allows for high-speed communication by making full use of radio waves that are not yet widely used.

MLO (Multi-Link Operation)

Until now, Wi-Fi users have been required to make conscious choices, such as assigning separate SSIDs to 2.4GHz and 5GHz. Wi-Fi 7 will unify these, allowing you to select channels appropriately depending on the radio wave conditions and use multiple channels for high-speed transmission and reception. In the future, even if technologies that do not use Wi-Fi as the actual transmission path (such as Li-Fi) emerge, a comfortable user experience will be provided.

perovskite solar cells

Perovskite solar cells are solar cells invented in Japan in 2009 that directly convert sunlight energy into electricity. As society focuses on the use of renewable energy, it seems that perovskite solar cells (PSCs) will finally be mass-produced and widely available on the market.

Compared to silicon-based solar cells, which have been the mainstream until now, PSCs have the characteristics of being thinner and lighter and can be mass-produced at a lower cost, but they can convert light into electricity with the same efficiency as silicon-based solar cells. Masu. In terms of color, there is more flexibility than before, such as orange and red, and it can also be made transparent.

We may soon see a society in which PSCs are installed one after another in things that until now were thought to be completely impossible due to shape, weight, and design constraints.
The number of products that can be digitized with a small amount of electricity will increase dramatically. The ideas are endless: clothes, wallets, bags, shoes, tableware, chopsticks, accessories, stationery, posters, windows, wallpaper, shampoo, rubbing alcohol, masks, etc.


We explained the technologies that tech firm technical advisors are focusing on and the background behind their attention. These technologies can be used to grow your business. In particular, generative AI will continue to attract attention in 2024, as it did last year. Why not consider how these technologies can be used for your company?

How will ChatGPT change engineering?

ChatGPT, which was released in November 2022, has seen a rapid increase in users even though it has only been released for a short time, and is already being used by many companies for business purposes.
ChatGPT has a wide range of uses in engineering, including the ability to generate programming, and is expected to be used in many engineering situations in the future.
 In this article, we will provide an overview of ChatGPT, and then explain the impact of ChatGPT on engineering, the skills that engineers will need in the future, and the impact it will have on business.

<Table of contents>

What is ChatGPT?

Features and benefits of ChatGPT

– Increased work efficiency
– Information can be obtained from various perspectives

Impact of ChatGPT on engineering
, code generation
, code explanation
, debugging support
, explanation of algorithms and data structures
, provision of information on languages ​​and tools

Improvement of skills required of engineers
, skills to accurately handle AI,
and programming skills due to the spread of ChatGPT

Business impact of the spread of ChatGPT in engineering
– Faster business speed
– Requires communication skills and judgment
– Ability to smoothly translate documents into Japanese and English
– Ability to understand the marketability of new projects


What is ChatGPT?


ChatGPT is an AI chat service released by OpenAI in November 2022. It is a popular service that has reached 100 million users in just two months since its release.

It is an interactive text-generation AI that supports various languages ​​including Japanese.

In addition, although it is an AI, it is capable of fluent conversation as if it were a real human being, and it can also handle other tasks such as writing sentences, responding to questions, translating, programming, and proposing ideas. There are many.

Overall, its major strength is its ability to improve work efficiency and quickly collect information. We can say that it is a reliable service because we have a huge database.

Features and benefits of ChatGPT

Once again, let’s briefly review the features and benefits of using ChatGPT.

Increases work efficiency

A major benefit of using ChatGPT is that it increases the efficiency of various tasks.

Your daily work may involve complicated tasks, which can take up a lot of your time and effort. For example, it can be said that it is inefficient to perform tasks that can be centralized, such as creating emails, manuals, and proposals, manually.

However, by using ChatGPT’s document generation function, you can quickly create email texts tailored to your business partners and manuals to be shared by all employees. This allows you to significantly reduce your work time, allowing you to spend more time on other tasks.

In addition, by using the summary function, it is possible to collect necessary information from a huge amount of data. Reducing the time spent gathering information can improve productivity and reduce costs.

Information can be obtained from various perspectives

One of the benefits of effectively utilizing ChatGPT is that you can obtain information from various perspectives.

Originally, ChatGPT provided information from a huge database. The key point is that it presents a lot of information from a variety of perspectives, as it also covers information outside of your field of expertise.

If you research on your own, the information you receive may be biased, and you may not be able to find the information you want, which can take a lot of time. However, you can fill in the missing information by asking questions to ChatGPT.

Impact of ChatGPT on engineering

Some of the engineering implications of ChatGPT include:

  • Generate code
  • Code explanation
  • Debugging support
  • Explanation of algorithms and data structure
  • Providing information on languages ​​and tools

So let’s talk about the impact ChatGPT has on engineering.

Generate code

By prompting ChatGPT, you can generate short code snippets or chunks of code based on the content you specify.

ChatGPT covers a variety of programming languages, so the key point is that it supports both major and minor languages.

Especially for major programming languages, there is a huge amount of information available on the Internet, so the generated code is likely to be of high quality.

Code explanation

If you don’t understand the meaning or content of existing code, isn’t your work often interrupted? In such cases, ChatGPT’s code explanation function will be helpful.

Code explanation is like a support function that explains existing code, and can be said to be a function for people who are studying programming.

Debugging support

When writing code, ChatGPT’s debugging support function is useful when checking whether the code you have created is correct. By having ChatGPT check it, you can point out what is wrong.

Additionally, even if an error occurs with code that has already been incorporated into a site or app, you can receive a prompt with the code and error details, and have the user suggest the cause of the problem and how to fix it.

Is possible. It takes time to find the cause of an error once it occurs, so if you have ChatGPT’s functionality, you can quickly deal with it.

Explanation of algorithms and data structure

If you are an advanced user, you will be able to understand the data structure of the overall programming algorithm, but if you are not, it will take a considerable amount of time just to understand the algorithm.

The key point of ChatGPT is that you can ask them what kind of algorithm the programming data structure is and they will explain it to you in Japanese.

Not only can even beginners greatly reduce the time it takes to understand data structures, but it even suggests ways to implement data structures.

Providing information on languages ​​and tools

ChatGPT provides information on languages ​​and tools that make up programming. Since various languages ​​are used in the areas that make up programming, it can take time to figure out what language is being used when checking the data structure.

Beginners in particular have a hard time just figuring out the language.

By having ChatGPT analyze the code, it can identify what language is being used and what tools are being used.

What’s more, it even shows you how to use the tools you’ve identified, so beginners will definitely appreciate this feature.

Skills required of engineers due to the spread of ChatGPT

With the spread of ChatGPT, there will likely be changes in the skills required of engineers in the future. Specifically, the following skills may be required in an increasing number of situations.

  • Skills to accurately handle AI
  • Basic programming skills

Now, let’s explain the skills required of engineers as ChatGPT becomes more popular.

Skills to accurately handle AI

To make full use of ChatGPT, it is essential to have the skills to accurately handle AI. In other words, you will not be able to effectively utilize ChatGPT unless you can accurately command it to do what you want it to do.

In order to extract the best answers from AI, we need to be creative in the way we ask questions. Depending on how you ask your question, you may not get the answer you are looking for.

ChatGPT supports a wide range of engineering tasks such as code generation, but if you don’t have the skills to properly handle AI, it may be difficult to improve your work efficiency.

basic programming skills

Basic programming skills are essential for engineers to better handle ChatGPT. Even if you have code generated, you won’t be able to use it unless you know which code is what, and even if you have the code explained in an easy-to-understand manner, there is no point if you don’t understand the content.

Even if you have a lot of support, if you lack essential programming skills, you will be wasting your valuable resources.

Just as the programming industry has new growth potential, ChatGPT continues to develop, so it is important to acquire basic programming skills.

For example, acquire various knowledge such as basic programming concepts, logical thinking, programming languages, and understanding code.

Business implications of ChatGPT adoption in engineering

Here are the business impacts of democratizing engineering with ChatGPT:

  • Accelerating business speed
  • Communication skills and judgment are required
  • Documents can be translated smoothly into Japanese and English
  • Understand the marketability of new projects

Now, let’s explain how the popularization of engineering through ChatGPT will impact your business.

Accelerating business speed

One of the impacts of the popularization of engineering with ChatGPT is an increase in the speed of business.

Up until now, engineering has performed a wide variety of tasks, including writing code, understanding the language, checking whether there are any problems with the code that has been created, and investigating the cause of errors when they occur.

If you have a high level of skill, you may be able to do it without difficulty, but even advanced users may find it difficult. Beginners and intermediate-level cars often stumble during the work process, and it takes a lot of time and effort to solve the first problem and move on to the next, reducing work efficiency.

Overall, this will become a major issue as it will lead to a slowdown and stagnation of business. However, by introducing ChatGPT, it will provide accurate support, significantly reducing the time required to complete the work and contributing to faster business speed.

Communication skills and judgment are required

No matter how good ChatGPT is, face-to-face communication skills and skills for making important judgments and decisions are absolutely necessary.

ChatGPT only answers questions according to the content of the question, so it is up to the user to decide how to utilize the answers provided. Communication skills and important judgments and decisions are always extremely important in business, so it is important to be able to use ChatGPT as effectively as possible.

Documents can be translated smoothly into Japanese and English

By utilizing the functions of ChatGPT, you can smoothly translate documents into Japanese and English. Technical terms and explanations often come from English-speaking countries, so unless you can read English, you won’t be able to do the work.

However, by using ChatGPT’s functionality to translate into Japanese, even people who cannot read English will be able to understand technical terms and explanations. Conversely, it can also translate Japanese content into English, which is very useful in business.

Understand the marketability of new projects

When starting a new project, one thing to be concerned about is the market potential of the project you are planning to enter. If you launch a new project without understanding its marketability, you may end up withdrawing if it doesn’t go well.

Therefore, by asking questions to ChatGPT, you can receive opinions from a huge database of a wide variety of fields that will serve as a comprehensive reference as to whether you should really enter the market.

You can get answers based on the results of a multifaceted analysis of business opportunities and the risks that will affect you, which will be useful for your future activities.


A major benefit of effectively utilizing ChatGPT is that the time and effort required for programming configuration can be significantly reduced.

If you can handle ChatGPT well, there are various benefits such as contributing to faster business speed. However, the skills to issue commands accurately and basic programming skills are required at a minimum, so it is important to be able to use ChatGPT well


8 corporate initiatives in generative AI

Many companies are progressing with initiatives using generative AI. Automation is not only automating simple tasks to improve business efficiency but also automating areas such as more creative content production.

In this article, we will introduce examples of what kind of initiatives are actually being carried out and how tasks are being automated using generative AI.

<Table of contents>

What is generative AI?

8 companies’ efforts in generative AI
– Generative AI for software development (LINE Yahoo!)
– Advertisement production using generative AI (Coca-Cola)
– New establishment of a “Generative AI Center” that can be used both internally and externally (Hitachi)
– Generation Utilizing AI to strengthen product development (Asahi Breweries)
, improve employees’ AI skills (KDDI)
, AI assistant service “PX-GPT” for 90,000 domestic employees (Panasonic Holdings),
and realize improvements at manufacturing sites (Asahi Iron Works) )
・Introduced ChatGPT for approximately 9,000 employees (Daiwa Securities)


What is generative AI?


Generating AI is AI that can generate various contents. While traditional AI’s main purpose was to automate routine tasks, generative AI learns patterns and generates new content.
Generative AI is a mechanism that analyzes the content of natural language prompts, extracts feature from pre-trained big data, and derives appropriate answers.

8 corporate initiatives in generative AI


Generative AI has evolved to a level where it can be practically used in business. Here, we would like to introduce eight examples of how generative AI was used to improve business efficiency.

Generated AI for software development (LINE Yahoo!)

LINE Yahoo uses generative AI for software development. It is common for AI to be used for office work such as document creation and research, but it is different from the past in that it is used for software development, which is the main business.

The AI ​​used by LINE Yahoo is “GitHub Copilot” provided by GitHub, a Microsoft subsidiary. GitHub Copilot automatically generates code based on natural language information entered by humans.

As a result, we succeeded in significantly reducing engineers’ work time. On average, code creation time was reduced by about 2 hours per day, and engineers who mainly focused on coding were able to reduce their time by 3 to 4 hours in many cases.

Advertisement production using generative AI (Coca-Cola)

The Coca-Cola Company announced a platform that combines OpenAI’s GPT-4 and DALL-E technologies. It is a platform called “Create Real Magic” developed in partnership between OpenAI and Bain & Company, a major consulting firm.

It allows you to create artworks using generative AI technology, such as Coca-Cola bottles and logos. Chairman and CEO James Quincey said, “We are looking for ways to use cutting-edge AI to further strengthen our marketing and streamline our business,” stating that generative AI will be important in future management. It is said that it is recognized that there is.

Establishment of a new “Generative AI Center” that can be used both internally and externally (Hitachi, Ltd.)


Hitachi, Ltd. has established the “Generative AI Center” to advance the utilization of generative AI. The Generative AI Center is home to specialists with knowledge of generative AI.

Specifically, this includes data scientists, AI researchers, security personnel, legal personnel, etc. These specialists will work together to promote the use of generative AI in a variety of tasks for Hitachi Group’s 320,000 people.

The initiatives of the Generative AI Center include creating use cases for generative AI, developing applications that combine Hitachi’s technology and generative AI, and developing human resources.

The Generative AI Center has also formed a community with Silicon Valley IT companies and others to share and discuss issues.

In addition, the functions of the Generative AI Center are expanding, including consulting services to support the utilization of generative AI. This also provides use cases and know-how to customers as a consulting service.
Hitachi has stated that it is committed to contributing to the realization of a sustainable society by promoting initiatives to improve operational efficiency both internally and externally.

Strengthening product development using generative AI (Asahi Breweries)

generative AI

Asahi Breweries, in collaboration with Tanseisha Co., Ltd., has introduced an internal information search system using generative corporate AI provided by Microsoft.

By introducing an in-house information search system, we aim to collect and organize technical information. You will be able to efficiently acquire information and share knowledge across the group.

Asahi Breweries’ in-house information search system has the feature of being able to convert and search documents in various formats such as PDF, Word, and PowerPoint. The search results include a summary of the material, thumbnails, and a summary of about 100 characters.

As one of the three core strategies of the Asahi Group’s medium-term management policy, the Asahi Group considers DX=BX (Business Transformation) and promotes innovation in (processes, organizations, and business models).

In addition, in late May 2023, we launched the Generative AI ‘Yettetry’ Project, which aims to improve operational efficiency and sophistication, uncover consumer insights, and explore the use of this technology through trials of generative AI. We are accumulating knowledge.
In the future, the company has announced that it will consider introducing generative AI into various systems, not only for product development but also to improve the work efficiency of all employees.

Improving employee AI skills (KDDI)

KDDI has introduced “KDDI AI-Chat” to improve employees’ AI skills and improve work efficiency. By using KDDI AI-Chat, tasks such as research, idea generation, and document creation will be made more efficient.
We are also creating new educational programs to help employees master KDDI AI-Chat. In the future, our aim is to create AI developers and human resources who can develop businesses using AI.

AI assistant service “PX-GPT” for 90,000 domestic employees (Panasonic Holdings)


Panasonic Holdings has built the AI ​​assistant service “PX-GPT” to improve the work efficiency of its 90,000 domestic employees. Panasonic Holdings originally used “ConnectGPT” in its business, but to further utilize AI, it built PX-GPT based on ConnectGPT.

PX-GPT utilizes Microsoft’s Azure OpenAI Service and can be accessed by all domestic Panasonic Group employees on the company intranet. At the same time as providing AI, we are also putting effort into alerting all employees and establishing rules for use, making use of the service both safe and convenient.

Panasonic Holdings plans to utilize AI not only in the IT department but also in all departments to develop human resources who can utilize new technology.

Achieving improvements at the manufacturing site (Asahi Iron Works)

Asahi Iron Works has accumulated more than 200 examples of improvements made on-site based on high-level concepts.
Originally, improvement methods were managed individually, and individuals saved them on paper or in files, and improvement patterns were not shared.
Therefore, Asahi Iron Works shared this improvement know-how to deal with the problem and speed up human resource development. For this purpose, we extracted the know-how and created the “Yokoten Item List (Know-how Collection).”
However, the problem with this collection of know-how was that the writing style inevitably differed from person to person, and some of the information was difficult to utilize depending on the case study.

Therefore, Asahi Iron Works created a system that allows employees to easily collect the necessary information using generative AI.
Specifically, we loaded the contents of the know-how collection into ChatGPT, asked questions in natural language, and were able to respond with optimal improvement examples, including high-level concepts.

ChatGPT was introduced for approximately 9,000 employees (Daiwa Securities)corporate


Daiwa Securities Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Daiwa Securities Group Inc., has introduced ChatGPT to all of its approximately 9,000 employees. Because it uses Microsoft’s Azure OpenAI Service, it is a safe environment that is unlikely to leak information to outside parties.

ChatGPT is used to support information gathering, reduce the time required to create materials, create a foundation for documents and programming, and generate ideas. By using ChatGPT for these purposes, I am freeing up time to focus on tasks such as customer service and planning.


The companies introduced this time introduced internal information search systems built using generative AI and examples of using generative AI in content production.
Recently, the business use of generative AI has become commonplace. In business, the use of generative AI not only makes administrative processing more efficient, but also makes it possible to create content. Since you can generate sentences and programs, it is possible to significantly reduce corporate work time.
Many companies are facing issues with labor shortages and human resource development, so generative AI can help strengthen organizations. Generative AI will likely be used by more companies in the future.

What is predictive artificial intelligence?

Predictive artificial intelligence, which enables predicting events that have not yet occurred by using data analysis and learning algorithms, can identify patterns by examining large data sets and predict future events using these patterns.

 Predictive artificial intelligence, used especially in finance, healthcare, manufacturing, retail and many other industries, improves decision-making processes, reduces risks and increases operational efficiency.

For example, in the financial sector, predictive artificial intelligence is used to make investment decisions by analyzing stock prices, market trends and economic indicators .

 Predictive artificial intelligence, which is used in the healthcare industry to predict the spread of diseases, optimize treatment plans and improve outcomes, quickly processes large data sets and reveals complex relationships. Thus, it more accurately predicts the probability of future events.

How does predictive artificial intelligence work?


Predictive AI often uses learning algorithms to analyze large amounts of data and predict future events.

 In the first stage, large data sets containing past events, trends, and patterns are collected from various sources. Afterwards, unnecessary information is eliminated from these pre-processed data and meaningful data is extracted from the remaining ones.

In the model training phase, the predictive artificial intelligence algorithm is trained on a previously collected data set. 

The algorithm learns the patterns and relationships in this data set through many loops and adjustments. In this way, a model that can generalize against unknown future data emerges.

In the final stage, the trained model is applied to new and unknown data to make predictions. The model detects probabilities of future events based on learned patterns.

 Thus, predictive artificial intelligence helps users make decisions, evaluate risks or make strategic plans.

Use cases of predictive artificial intelligence in businesses


Predictive artificial intelligence applications are of great value as they help businesses see their future steps. 

In this way, institutions can make more informed decisions and minimize their commercial risks. Today, predictive artificial intelligence has a wide variety of usage scenarios. 

inventory management

Predictive AI helps identify times when consumer demand is likely to be higher and when a brand or store should keep more products in stock.

 In this way, businesses achieve more effective inventory management.

supply chain management

Similar to inventory management, predictive artificial intelligence can determine when road congestion will occur or when more trucks will be needed to meet sudden increases in user demand. 

Institutions that benefit from predictive artificial intelligence minimize disruptions in their procurement processes.

Personalized user experiences 

Predictive AI helps predict user behavior based on past activities. Thus, businesses seize new opportunities to offer personalized user experience.

Health Service

Predictive AI can detect potential future health risks based on a person’s medical history when sufficient data is available. In this way, the opportunity to take precautions or early diagnosis of diseases before they occur increases. 


Predictive artificial intelligence can predict user or customer behavior, as well as detect what kind of content or products potential customers may be interested in. Thus, institutions can prepare more target-oriented marketing campaigns.

Predictive AI and Generative AI


Predictive AI and generative AI use machine learning to produce their output . However, predictive AI uses machine learning to predict the future, while generative AI uses it to create content.

Although predictive artificial intelligence and generative artificial intelligence generally share the same basic principles, there are differences in terms of their intended use and results. 

While predictive artificial intelligence learns from existing data sets, generative artificial intelligence focuses on producing content more creatively and innovatively.

Therefore, both types are used in different industries and applications, providing unique advantages.

What is artificial general intelligence?

The artificial general intelligence approach, which defines the capacity of a computer program or machine to have human-like general intelligence abilities, promises the ability to solve encountered problems by learning. 

This approach, which aims to have a wide range of intelligence to cover all aspects of human intelligence, includes areas such as understanding language, learning, reasoning, problem-solving and emotional intelligence.

Unlike narrow AI solutions developed to perform a specific task, such as facial recognition or language translation, artificial general intelligence offers computing capabilities in a much broader context. 

Artificial general intelligence, which can understand various tasks and contexts and execute processes, is considered an important goal in science and technology. 

Skills of artificial general intelligence

general intelligence
general intelligence

The artificial general intelligence approach, which in theory can provide a variety of results indistinguishable from humans, promises the ability to access and process data sets at incredible speeds.

Artificial general intelligence offers the potential to perform tasks that current computer systems cannot achieve. 

The artificial general intelligence approach, which is expected to have abilities such as abstract thinking, background knowledge, common sense, and cause and effect relationships, promises the ability to perceive problems and situations comprehensively using various learning types and algorithms.

What are the differences between artificial general intelligence and artificial intelligence?


Current artificial intelligence technologies are defined as narrow artificial intelligence because they were developed to meet specific needs.

 Although most current solutions in this field use sub-branches of artificial intelligence such as machine learning, deep learning and natural language processing to improve themselves and solve certain types of problems, these technologies do not come close to the cumulative ability of the human brain.

 There are many examples of artificial intelligence today, such as Amazon’s Alexa, Apple’s Siri, various customer service chatbots and facial recognition applications. In all these examples, artificial intelligence solutions are developed to support specific tasks.

Artificial general intelligence, on the other hand, promises to theoretically be able to perform any task that a human can do. 

The artificial general intelligence approach, which can provide solutions in different areas without human intervention, requires being at least as good as humans in solving problems. 

The versatile capabilities of artificial general intelligence, such as understanding language, processing images, learning, reasoning and emotional intelligence, offer the ability to quickly adapt and respond to tasks and contexts. 

What are the advantages of artificial general intelligence?


Since artificial general intelligence has a wide range of intelligence, it offers the potential to perform different tasks. This means that they will have knowledge and skills that require expertise in various fields.

Data analysis and forecasting 

Artificial general intelligence is much faster than humans at analyzing large data sets and discovering complex patterns and relationships. For this reason, it is anticipated that it will offer valuable advantages in data forecasting and strategic planning in many sectors such as health, finance and marketing.

personalized services 

Artificial general intelligence promises the ability to provide personalized services to better adapt to individuals’ needs. In education, healthcare and other fields, the ability to understand the user’s specific needs and provide services accordingly is expected to make processes more efficient.

Innovation and discovery

It is predicted that artificial general intelligence will lead to new discoveries and innovations with its complex problem-solving and creativity capabilities. It is estimated that artificial general intelligence will pave the way for new inventions and discoveries in the field of science and technology.

7 best AI tools for creating visuals

Today, institutions are making more and more use of artificial intelligence-based visual production technologies.

 Artificial intelligence tools that help businesses make a difference by constantly producing original content in the digital environment provide a competitive advantage to companies at all levels, regardless of scale. 

Artificial intelligence-based visual production ai tools have been making a name for themselves in recent months due to their very successful results. 

Artificial intelligence tools, which stand out with their advanced aspects, make it possible to quickly meet the needs of businesses.

 So, which artificial intelligence tool stands out with what features today? Now let’s take a closer look at the most popular of these tools.

DALL-E 2 for a user-friendly interface


Developed by OpenAI, creator of ChatGPT , DALL-2 makes it possible to create high-quality, copyright-free AI graphics from text commands. 

Working on a web-based basis, DALL-E 2 creates a solution that even beginners can use with its user-friendly structure. 

Like ChatGPT, DALL-E 2 allows you to easily create unique artificial intelligence images thanks to its simple interface. 

To benefit from DALL-E 2, which can be used whether you are creating a photorealistic image or converting an existing image to a specific style, all you have to do is define your wishes in natural language.

Midjourney for photorealistic artwork


Midjourney is among the best resources available for creating photorealistic AI art. Midjourney, which differs from other tools with its Discord-based structure, can be easily accessed via the Discord application on Mac, Windows, Linux, iOS or Android devices.

 In Midjourney, which cannot be used without a Discord account, image requests are created with special commands prepared on the application.

Midjourney allows users to request renderings in Discord public channels and learn tips and tricks from other program users. 

This solution enables creating of stunningly realistic visuals while helping to integrate users into a community of other digital artists.

Crayon for free access


Considered for creating art images, Craion offers users ai tools both a paid and free version. Formerly known as DALL-E Mini, the service makes it possible to create photos from written descriptions with its easy-to-use interface.

The free (ad-based) version of Craiyon offers the ideal solution for those who want to learn the ins and outs of AI graphics generation but are not yet ready to purchase a subscription plan. 

Paid plans give businesses access to faster solutions, watermark-free artwork, and an ad-free experience.

Jasper Art for professional use


With Jasper Art, marketing teams, content creators, and business owners can easily create unique, high-quality AI visuals. Jasper. ai tools Art, a web-based service, is accessed through a subscription model. 

Able to create custom artwork, images, illustrations, and even 3D animations for commercial marketing and other royalty-free commercial uses, Jasper Art stands out with its content quality, even though it offers a higher-budget solution than some of the other AI art creators on the market.

NightCafe for experienced digital artists

digital artists

NightCafe, a popular web and mobile-based AI art creator, stands out for its creative features and artistic options. 

The model’s comprehensive features and deep customization tools offer ideal solutions for talented AI artists looking to create unique images.

 Users can choose from a wide variety of styles and features to create a visually striking image. 

Experience is of great importance in using NightCafe, which allows creating images from text input. 

The advanced features of the model make it possible to create solutions that would take a lot of time for digital artists. 

NightCafe, which also has a free plan, also allows users to access private artificial intelligence art communities.

DeepAI for personalization


The ability to fine-tune the content to be created according to the needs of users puts DeepAI one step ahead of its competitors. 

The open-source web-based solution can produce unique works of art from a single-word text prompt.

DeepAI offers a solution for users who want to quickly create a resolution-independent vector image. 

While the free version of the software produces artwork based on text prompts, DeepAI’s paid plans also include many styling options for adjusting textures, colors, and other details. 

Creating impressively realistic images, DeepAI enables users to bring their ideas to life with its highly customizable structure. 

Runway for video editing

video editing

Developed to create video, image, 3D media and audio documents, Runway offers a set of artificial intelligence tools to edit all this content. 

Leveraging machine learning , Runway enables an extensive list of features that go beyond standard art creators.

The web-based platform provides users with tools to create a variety of artistic content, from text to images to AI animations and video edits.

 Runway, which can turn images into animated videos, uses only text commands to create unique videos.

What will be the 2023 Trends in the Business World?


Developments from the World…

  • Most of the main agenda issues that affect most sectors and concern the business world closely are expected to have an impact in 2023. The Federal Reserve and other Western central banks are raising rates even higher to combat inflation. However, China keeps its monetary policy loose.
  • The inflation crisis, which also affects consumers and retailers, may also be an obstacle to e-commerce growth. Online shopping, which constitutes 14% of all sales, increased by more than 10% in 2019 due to the pandemic effect. It is difficult to say a similar positive rise for 2022. Although e-commerce will attract attention in 2023, the impact of high inflation on consumption will be felt more clearly.
  • It is difficult to say that Covid-19 will no longer pose a complete risk to the business world in 2023. Because the recent harsh measures taken by the Chinese state due to its “zero loss” policy also affect China’s production businesses that concern the outside world. We can say that the energy crisis, which increased with the Ukrainian crisis and became more of a priority as the weather cooled in the northern hemisphere, played a role in the pandemic falling behind the agenda on a global scale.
2023 Business World Trends
  • Unlike Europe, whose industry is showing signs of slowing down, Asia’s 1.5% increase in global oil demand with its rising energy appetite is one of the agenda topics that will extend into the coming year. The energy problem, along with the climate and food crisis, will occupy the agenda more.
  • Due to current developments, commodity prices have become values ​​that are constantly monitored. According to the “Commodity Markets Outlook Report” published by the World Bank at the end of October, energy prices are expected to decrease by 11.2% in 2023 after increasing by 59.1% this year. Stating that the price index for precious metals is expected to decrease by 4% this year and 3.6% next year, the report included an estimate that the ounce price of gold will decrease by 1.4% this year compared to last year and 4.2% in 2023.
  • Due to global recession expectations, the predicted increase in technology spending of more than 6% seems unlikely to materialize. Although device sales have been disappointing, the fact that the artificial intelligence market has increased to $500 billion is encouraging. New technologies are expected to play a more active role in the global market in the coming years.
  • In the entertainment world, online streaming platforms seem to increase their investments next year as well. The expectation that Netflix’s competitors will respond to its $17 billion investment in 2022 next year may be a harbinger of tougher competition in 2023.
  • In addition to the chip crisis, supply problems due to the pandemic and war shook the automotive market this year. Global sales of new cars increased by just 1%. However, there was a 25% increase in sales of electric vehicles.
  • The fact that business professionals largely prefer to hold meetings and events online has directly affected travel. Even though the airline industry has not yet caught up with the pre-pandemic level, the 30% increase compared to the previous year gave morale a boost.
  • Technology is developing faster than ever; Despite global epidemics and wars, it can be expected to reveal its positive effects more clearly in the coming year and beyond.

In light of all these developments, we can list the prominent trends of 2023 for the business world as follows:

Businesses Provide Accelerated Digital Transformation

2023 Business World Trends

As a result of the pandemic, institutions and individuals adapted their lives to technology faster, which also affected digital transformation plans. In 2023, innovations and developments will continue in technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), internet of things (IoT), virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR), new generation networking (5G), cloud computing (Cloud) and blockchain. It is foreseen.

We will see more and more in the coming years that these digital technologies that fuel transformation are getting closer to each other and the boundaries between them are blurring. Issues such as augmented working, new solutions for hybrid and remote working, decision-making processes, and automation of routine and creative workloads will allow trend technologies to improve each other.

The transformation in systems to complete simple and ordinary tasks as quickly and efficiently as possible will now enable the concept of “smart businesses” to be revealed in a more tangible way.

While businesses provide accelerated digital transformation; It is very important for them to ensure that they have the right technology in place in every aspect of their processes and operations. More effective sales and marketing, better customer services, more efficient supply chains, products and services more suitable to customer needs and modern production processes will be talked about much more in 2023.

Security is Provided in Inflation and Supply Chain

We included some preliminary information about inflation in the introduction section of the article. The economic outlook for most of the world in 2023 is not good. While experts cite ongoing inflation and subdued economic growth expectations, many industries are still grappling with supply chain issues that emerged during global shutdowns caused by Covid-19 and have been exacerbated by the war in Ukraine.

To combat this and survive, companies need to improve their flexibility as much as possible. Important factors such as the variability of commodity prices and the increase in logistics costs make protective measures in supply chains even more of a priority.

It is very important for companies to plan their entire supply chain and determine their exposure to supply and inflation risks. Obtaining alternative suppliers may be a measure to reduce risk. China’s grappling with its zero Covid policy and subsequent shutdowns could also create problems with the supply of production parts in 2023.

Sustainability Plays a Role in Conscious Consumer Perception

2023 Business World Trends

The climate crisis, which has increased its effects in recent decades, seems to overshadow the challenges brought by the covid pandemic. Awareness studies on sustainability also affect the preferences of investors and consumers. We are moving towards a process where businesses with the right environmental and social references will be preferred. As purchasing trends change, factors such as ecological impact and sustainability will take priority when choosing who to shop or do business with. The role of sustainability in conscious consumer perception is among the things to be noted for 2023.

In 2023, companies will be expected to move environmental, social and governance (ESG) processes to the center of their strategies. Any business should start by measuring its impact on society and the environment, and then increase transparency, reporting and accountability. Every business will need clear goals and a timetable for how to reduce negative impacts. Conveying the evaluations and plans to the stakeholders of the companies; Coverage of the entire supply chain and suppliers’ ESG credentials will also be evaluated.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Is Becoming Dominant in the Business World

Fortunately, the downsizing experienced by technology giants is being balanced with developments in software and especially artificial intelligence. We will witness more clearly in 2023 that artificial intelligence will become a dominant force in the business world. With its ability to process impressive amounts of data and learn from experience, AI is quickly becoming a valuable tool for organizations of all sizes.

We can say that artificial intelligence will continue to play an important role in entrepreneurship and its importance will continue to increase in the coming years. Companies will need to find ways to invest in and incorporate AI into their operations to take advantage of new opportunities, automate tasks and processes, reduce costs, increase efficiency and improve decision-making processes. Accordingly, customer service and the Internet of Things (IoT) will become more widespread.

Internet of Things (IoT) Reveals Huge Opportunities

2023 Business World Trends

The Internet of Things, which has been a regular on the trend lists in recent years, finds its place in 2023 as well. The Internet of Things, which makes physical devices, vehicles, household appliances and electronic products manageable and controllable with sensors and connection protocols, requires connections such as 5G for instant data exchange.

Global spending on IoT products, which will not transform the way we currently live and work in the near future and whose impact will become more evident soon, is estimated to reach $1.1 trillion in 2023.

Although still in its early stages, the rapidly expanding Internet of Things will significantly impact our economy and society, creating new jobs and industries and unlocking tremendous opportunities for businesses and consumers.

Sharing Economy Creates New Opportunities for Entrepreneurs

It is estimated that the Sharing Economy, which maintains a stable growth rate of approximately 10% per year, will increase its prevalence in 2023 and become a market worth approximately 335 billion dollars by 2025.

While one of the main factors driving this growth is the increase in the availability of shared assets, various factors such as the spread of urbanization and population growth are also driving the convenience of sharing and the decreasing cost of technology.

We can expect the Sharing Economy, which affects many sectors including transportation, accommodation and retail, to have a broader impact by stealing share from some sectors in 2023.

One of the most exciting aspects of the sharing economy is its potential to create new opportunities for entrepreneurs. It seems that an increasing number of businesses will be born around sharing and these businesses will play an important role in economic growth. Companies can take advantage of this trend to attract new customers, reduce costs and increase efficiency.

Cloud Computing and Big Data Continue to Gain Importance

2023 Business World Trends

Cloud Computing and Big Data, just like Artificial Intelligence and the Internet of Things, manage to be on the lists of trends that will shape the business world. These two elements, which are among the most important technological developments of our time, changing the way companies work and how we live our lives, will continue to develop and gain importance over the next few years.

Cloud computing creates numerous benefits by allowing organizations to store and access data on remote servers from anywhere in the world. As cloud-based services become increasingly common, businesses will increasingly rely on them to power their operations.

The expectation that the majority of companies will increase their cloud computing investments in 2023 will also enable the emergence of new players in the sector. Increased competition can drive down prices and improve the quality of cloud services.

We can be certain that the amount of big data produced will increase exponentially in the future. Businesses will need to find new ways to store and process this data, which will become even more complex. This means that traditional analytical methods will become less effective and companies will need functional machine learning tools to make sense of the data.

In the past, companies analyzed big data primarily for marketing and advertising purposes. In 2023, big data; It will help solve more complex problems, improve decision-making and predict future trends in healthcare, finance and manufacturing.

5G Puts an End to Worries About Connection Issues

By 2023, fifth-generation cellular technology will become more widespread around the world. 5G, which will bring higher speeds, lower latency and more capacity to wireless networks, will eliminate many of the concerns of companies about connection problems.

The 5G network, which promises to enable new applications and services impossible with previous generations of wireless technologies, is now rolling out in many parts of the world, with several devices already becoming 5G compatible, including smartphones, laptops and even drones.

Thanks to 5G, which will tremendously impact many sectors including healthcare, transportation and manufacturing, healthcare providers will be able to connect to patients remotely, and transportation companies will use it to manage autonomous, that is, driverless vehicles. Manufacturing companies will also use 5G to connect factories and machines to the Internet of Things.

Technology Predictions for 2023

In the last period of each year, while researching the trends that will come to the fore in the following year, we also take a look at the predictions and expectations for previous years.
 In the “2024 technology trends” we prepared at the end of 2019, of course, we could not foresee that a global pandemic would affect the whole world, that the trend towards devices and services that facilitate remote working would explode, and that the acceleration of e-commerce would increase by 60%, like all other technology writers.
 Or that Russia will launch an operation against Ukraine in early 2022, that the “cancel culture” against certain countries and capital will be accepted by most countries in the world, that the energy and food crisis will become the most important agenda all over the world, that rising inflation and supply chain problems will raise concerns about stagnation.
It was impossible to predict that it would fuel it. Our expectations and predictions for 2023 are shaped by the current course and targets. Again, we will talk about positive and upbeat predictions.
 Let’s hope that we do not experience surprises similar to those we encountered in the first months of the last few years. Let 2023 be the year of development and growth, not destruction or slowdown in technology and all other fields.

Research Companies’ Eyes  on ‘ Data ‘

When we examine the reports of the world’s leading research companies in detail, we see that they agree on many points.

In Gartner and IDC’s most important strategic technology trends reports for 2023; Elements such as the increase in the use of artificial intelligence in production,

improvement in data-based decision-making processes, optimization of IT systems for more security, and a more connected world attract attention.

It seems that the rise will continue in the sectors triggered and accelerated by the pandemic. In our opinion, the acceptance of remote and hybrid working models may have an important meaning for – some may say dreamy – technologies such as Metaverse.

In particular, the harmonization of teams’ working models with each other and with their customers can be considered the most important achievement of the last two years.

We see the impact of sustainability on all these trends. Sustainability, which has been one of the main agenda topics of companies in recent years, is also related to the fact that our world is now giving alarm signals at the highest level.

We now need to look at the impact of every development and investment on the environment. The environmental impact should not be ignored in sustainability.

Technological developments seem to make serious differences, especially in matters such as energy, production and transportation.

2023 Will Act as Leverage for the Following Years

Following Years
Following Years

Although we will probably not see it mature next year, 2023 will serve as leverage for some trends that will have a concrete impact on some issues starting from 2025.

Cloud-based services, which offer high efficiency at a much lower cost, especially in infrastructure, security, automation, data and network issues, will become widespread by 2025.

In 2024, businesses will be left with a sharper divide when it comes to cloud, data and automation investments.

In the next two-year preparation phase, sustainability will be the main focus of investments until 2025 and will become one of the prerequisites for initiatives for many investors.

Dominant claims of resilience and asset residency will force CIOs to change staffing, budgets, and operating processes for more than 35% of their IT and data assets.

There may be a significant increase in the services and products required for remote and hybrid working in 2023 and beyond.

We will witness a lot of companies commercializing the transformation they created within themselves in the coming year.


We can define the Metaverse as an innovation that combines multiple trends in technology in a common virtual environment where people can enhance physical reality, as opposed to a singular technology.

This innovation transforms the physical world or extends it into a virtual world where organizations can improve employee engagement and collaboration.

This technology, which is still in its development stage, has served as a playground for companies for the past two years.

Although the feasibility of long-term investments seems uncertain yet, it is expected to become widespread worldwide by 2027 with serious investments for certain sectors.

It is estimated that nearly half of the world’s giant companies will use Web3, spatial computing and digital twins through metadatabase-based projects in the next 4-5 years.

We can say that Metaverse will be inclusive even after the mobile era. Wherever we are in the world, we will use whatever device we want.

However, the device here will not always be a smartphone. New ways we access, experience and interact with content include headsets, smart glasses and even full-body haptic feedback suites.

Next year, we may witness significant developments in some provisioning hardware and solutions for the Metaverse.

Super Apps (Super App)

Super Apps

In the age of smartphones and digital borns, the demand for mobile applications that offer many services with a user-friendly interface has increased.

Super Apps, which are widely used especially in Asian countries; They reach a large number of customers by offering services such as transportation, shopping, payment and communication from a single application.

According to Gartner, by 2027, more than 50% of the global population will actively use more than one super App. Let us add that although no application fully meets the definition of Super App in our country, Trendyol and Getir have taken important steps in the last few years.

Sustainable Technology

As we mentioned at the beginning of the article, sustainability and technology will always be hand in hand.

Increasing the energy and material efficiency of IT services has risen to the top of the priority lists for many business executives; Solutions that ensure the sustainability of both the business and its customers will come to the fore in 2023.

Using technologies such as artificial intelligence, automation, advanced analytics and shared cloud services can also provide consumers and suppliers with the tools to achieve sustainability goals while reducing environmental impact.

By 2025, Gartner predicts that 50% of CIOs will have performance metrics tied to the sustainability of the IT organization.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Machine Learning
Machine Learning

As AI algorithms become increasingly sophisticated and complex, companies and individuals have increasing concerns about governance, security, fairness, and privacy for the near future. In 2023, we may witness AI services becoming transparent for greater trust.

However, adaptive AI will enable self-adapting models in production by using real-time feedback from past human and machine experiences.

Decision-making will become increasingly connected, contextual and continuous. By 2026, Gartner predicts that businesses that adopt AI engineering practices to build and manage adaptive AI systems will outperform their peers by at least 25% on operational AI models.

2023 will be a very valuable year for many products and services such as artificial intelligence-supported image and speech recognition, navigation applications, smartphone personal assistants, car sharing applications and many more.

The artificial intelligence market is estimated to exceed $57 billion in 2023. With global spending on cognitive and artificial intelligence systems, the sector is expected to reach a volume of 190 billion dollars by 2025.

Machine learning, a subset of artificial intelligence, is used in all kinds of industries, and the demand for skilled professionals is growing.

Artificial intelligence, machine learning, and automation are predicted to create 9 percent of new jobs in the U.S.

by 2025, including robot monitoring experts, data scientists, automation experts, and content curators. It would be good if artificial intelligence and machine learning are already included in your or your child’s career goals.

Hyper-Connected Smart World

Smart World
Smart World

Here’s a huge trend topic that ties all the other trends together… Imagine a network that manages millions of connected sensors, devices, and infrastructure for all kinds of tasks, such as creating metadata repositories and digital twins, training smart machines, and ensuring digital security.

We can also consider it as a stronger adaptation of what is known as the Internet of Things (IoT) to 2023. Frankly, I wouldn’t feel like writing the Internet of Things directly on the trends list this year either.

The main focus of this trend is to provide interactions between more useful and complex machines.

Today, we are used to filling our homes and workspaces with smart devices and applications.

However, we encounter a number of problems when machines have difficulty communicating due to different platforms and operating systems.

In 2023, we will see more work on the development of global standards and protocols that devices can use to talk to each other.

The idea of ​​creating a smart world that detects and solves problems and incompatibilities without users noticing will prevent a big mess before it arises.

Another focus area of ​​this trend will be IoT security. While connected devices can improve our lives in many ways, they also create security risks.

Any device on the network is also a potential access point for external breaches. Improving security capabilities to prevent these attacks will be a priority for companies investing in IoT, and tools that can make artificial intelligence-supported predictions will emerge. In 2023, digital security will play a role in many areas.

5G and, in the future, 6G services will not only mean that devices will communicate faster than ever before. At the same time, it will provide an infrastructure where more devices can be connected and where high amounts of communication between them will continue smoothly and without delay, without interfering with each other.

For use in critical procedures such as robotic surgery, devices, infrastructures and systems with the precision I mentioned are essential.

Speaking of healthcare, 2023 will also be a boom year for products and services aimed at helping us manage our health and well-being.

Covid-19 is still a concern worldwide. Many people are actively trying to use technology to maintain and monitor their fitness and health.

New generations of the Apple Watch have advanced sensors that can measure blood oxygen levels and temperature, as well as perform operations such as performing an electrocardiogram (ECG).

Previously, hardware to perform these scans cost tens of thousands of dollars. We can see the fruits of Google’s acquisition of Fitbit, which has smart watches and fitness trackers with even more advanced features, in 2023.